Do Enviro-Activists Deflating Tires on SUVs Realize How Bad that is for the Environment?

Steve MacDonald

Does anyone in the army of self-proclaimed activists called the Tyre Extinguishers (deflating tires on SUVs across Europe in the name of their false green god) know how much additional carbon will be emitted due to their actions?

Assuming you think that’s a problem, and the dolts deflating tires certainly do. And I’m not sure about Europe, but in the US, in most locales across the fruited plain, the act is a misdemeanor—criminal mischief. It could also get you hot-winged (pepper spray), tazed, or shot, again, depending on where you take it to the SUV-driving Man and get caught.

But then, much like every other little green lie, the secret has always been not to get caught, even while bragging about what you do.

“Overall, activists associated with the Tyre Extinguishers are responsible for deflating tires on more than 10,000 SUVs. On a single night in November last year, the group boasted that its members “disarmed” more than 900 SUVs in a coordinated action across multiple cities in the U.S. and Europe,” according to FOX News.


How many unnecessary calls (cellular networks emit carbon) were made for tow trucks or auto club services to come and reinflate them, or calls to the police who had to drive out to file a report? And how often was it two of these things and not just one? Call the police. Call the European equivalent of AAA. Emissions, emissions, emissions.

Depending on the miles driven, round trip by police or services, plus the emissions from the compressors to reinflate the tires or generators to run the compressors, you’ve likely added a pile of unnecessary crap into the biosphere … in the name of reducing it.

And did you walk to wherever it is you went to deflate all the tires, or did you catch a ride there and there and there and back?

I know, they think – big picture – this will be a net win, but it is no different than anything else the greens claim. Neither wind nor solar are green, and for good measure, wind turbines kill birds, bats, and now whales. Solar recycling is a monster of an environmental hazard and starting to get out of hand, and wind turbines are too. And none of that idiocy can be accomplished without burning coal to make coke for steel and using natural gas or other fossil fuels.

I’d suggest that the problem is fumes inhaled while gluing yourselves to things, but this 600 cm3 brain-thinking predates that idiocy. Green activists are stupid. But not just stupid. They’ve offered the world’s vandals an excuse to cause more unnecessary emissions with their mischief, some of whom will escalate to tire slashing, which is all the things noted above, plus the carbon footprint to make, deliver, install replacements, and dispose of the damaged tires.

And while dumb and counter-productive, I confess to being excited about this trend coming to America. At least a few green weenies will likely get their asses kicked by an equal number of gold ole’ boys, but there is a way you might prevent that. Focus on the greater Washington, DC, area. There is an abundance of oversized black vehicles with tinted windows. If you get caught, try showing them your Liberal Privilege card. Maybe they’ll treat it like shoplifting in many a modern Democrat-Run city and punish the person who ratted you out.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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