Response to Lies about the TEA Party

Tea party members are united by concern for our country and that the opportunity for quality lives is being stolen from future generations. My experience is that every group of Americans is represented. But we don‘t count people by race, age, sex, etc., we only see concerned Americans. Only liberals are obsessed with demographics which they try to use to deflect attention from their failing policies.
Tea party people are for individual liberty, personal responsibility, caring for the helpless, and for small, limited, Constitutionally based, fiscally responsible government that provides security and opportunity for all citizens. They demand that government live within its means. They believe that passing the cost of today’s comforts to the next and subsequent generations is immoral and shameful.

You know, this would be more fun if he could actually articulate an argument.

As regular readers know, I am wont to go back into recent history to "repurpose" stuff I have created on email and Facebook threads. I toyed with the title of the post: Tying up a Lefty in knots? Vocabulary matters in debates? A mighty run, jump….splat? Gay marriage advocate left speechless There were others, but … Read more

Ask Ray & Kathy…About Incest

Question: If consensual sex (without coercion) between any two adults is a protected right, (gay sex is defended on these grounds) does the state have a right to prohibit sex between adult relatives, regardless of how closely related?

Drug testing for food stamp recipients – a quick observation

HB 484 is titled "Food Stamp Program Eligibility; Random Drug Testing Required".  Kevin Landrigan (Telegraph) did a write up of the pros / cons view; of course, Conservatives have the tack that recipients should not be doing drugs and that with testing, one can see the old Reagan mantra at work: Trust but verify. The … Read more

Meet Professor “Screw You”

On the front page of this mornings Union Leader reporter Clyntnon Mamuo covers negotiations between the University of New Hampshire, and some 630 professors over their new contract.  As is often the case with such things, there is some disparity between what the University feels is economically feasible and what the white-tower and it’s union … Read more

DCCC Thanksgiving Cheat Sheet

The Morons at the DCCC have done the nation a service this Thanskgiving. They have sent out an email to arm the tin-foil hat army with a ‘cheat sheet’ in the event that they find themselves in this unfortunate situation.

“Resolved: The only good muslim is a bad muslim”

"Whoa, Doug– those are some pretty strong words! Listen to yourself, man– you’re insulting someone’s RELIGION!" First of all, those are not MY words– it happens to have been the topic of an absolutely enthralling intellectual debate I had the privilege of attending last week at the Thomas Moore Liberal Arts College here in NH. … Read more

Get it Off Me Man!

There is ample evidence that Paul Hodes toes the line, is a Kool Aid drinker, and a reliable party hack.  Each effort to sell himself as having fiscal integrity or ethics is met with an abundance of contradictory evidence.   So to suggest that he is an independent thinker lacks veracity unless you mean independent … Read more

“A Stranger in Our Midst”

Recieved the following by email: If you don’t read anything else today please read the essay below by Robert Weissberg, Professor of Political Science – Emeritus at the University of Illinois, Urbana.  It offers by far the most accurate description of what most Americans are feeling but haven’t been able to put their finger on … Read more

No Gambling

In the smoldering ruin of SB 489–this years gambling bill, even after a massive campaign by Millennium gaming and its big-money FixItNow NH campaign quarter-backed by their Public relations goo-roo Richard Killion, (whom I suspect is this guy), we get comments like this, from this morning’s Union Leader. “What’s clear is that today’s vote runs … Read more

Light A Candle

Here in New Hampshire we’ve been at what Erik Erikson at Red State calls Tea Party 2.0 since day one.  Not a week goes by when the message from any one of the dozens of groups around the state who support the anti-tax rallies that define the Tea Party Movement is to get involved.  Learn … Read more

Hassan’s Massive Hospital Tax

State Senator Maggie Hassan must not believe the odds for Democrats in November are bad enough.  She’s decided to ask them to help her piss off the entire Health Care industry in New Hampshire (and anyone who has to use it) on top of everything else her party has done. Her weapon of choice is a … Read more

Railroad rails commuter rail original Photo by Gonzalo Facello on Unsplash

The Real “Third Rail” For Commuter Rail

Any good liberal will tell you this. Never talk about how much something costs or who will have to pay for it until you have convinced them it will be good for them.

Sarah Palin: The Great Right Hope?

Sarah Palin in Laconia, NH (GG file photo) Sarah Palin takes upstate NY by storm. From, on Sarah Palin’s Founders’ Day visit to Auburn, NY, where she was the star attraction: The sidewalks were jammed nearly shoulder-to-shoulder in many places along Genesee Street as on-lookers jockeyed to get a glimpse of Palin, her husband, … Read more

Guest Post: “I don’t think, I have faith; therefore I am an automaton”

.. . I think about the 9/11 hijackers. Why? I ponder the Iranian revolution of 1979 and the "hostage crisis." Why? What did we do? The images of the several more famous (and videotaped) beheadings remain seared in my memory. How is this even possible? Several nights ago, I watched a Fox News report that … Read more

Not a dime’s worth of difference? Think again.

..                     John McCain = reality.                                          Barack Obama= fairy tale. In his speech following yesterday’s Wisconsin primary victory, John McCain made the case in favor of conservative based government and contrasted it with the… well, nothingness, really, of the Obama candidacy. Talking about the general campaign ahead, the Arizona Senator said, …now comes the hard part … Read more

Constitutional rights might invade D.C.

I now have the privilege in introducing DAVE who is thinking of joining us as part of the ‘Grok crew.  Based on this piece, I think he’ll fit in just dandy!  So please, be nice to him, on this, his first try!  -Skip =================================================================  DC city hall bureaucrats are shaking in their federal government subsidized … Read more

John McCain rips the bark off of Romney!

… . Wow! As many of you might have figured out, I’m the kind of guy that LOVES the heat of political battle. I can’t get enough of those able to deliver the conservative message in such a way that it becomes for all intents and purposes indisputable to all those who hear it. Additionally, … Read more

GraniteGrok FAQs and Policies

Ownership I am the sole owner of this blog. Given that, since we are doing this in order to be able to get our views out, everything you see here is retained as our intellectual (such as it is) property and we retain all rights / copyrights to all that material. We do not own any … Read more