File this under, “You can’t make this sh$t up.” Illegal immigrants in Oregon are suing the State to obtain Oregon driver’s licenses, ostensibly to “drive to their jobs.”
Pay no mind that they can’t legally work in the United States, being “illegal” and all.
The lawsuit is being brought by five illegal immigrants, and is in response to the Oregon State ballot measure last year which voted down an initiative to allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses. Naturally, the liberals are crying racismo–that’s Spanish for racism to you stupid racists out there–complaining that it would be “safer” for everyone if the illegals could get driver’s licenses.
Would we expect any other response from the Left? What they want to accomplish is for the “greater good”, and if you protest it, you’re a racist. I give them a lot of credit for consistency!
I wonder what the response will be when I ask, “So who is paying for the legal counsel for the five litigants?”
I can hear it already. “Racista!”