Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.

Note that this is not meant to be a day-by-day update about what’s going on.  Rather, to highlight uncomfortable truths about the actual nature of the conflict, deep-history background, and so on, as well as to show the at-present immutable nature of Islamic hatred of Jews and why that matters to today’s events.

Also note that these posts generally do not repeat information (e.g., specific links or memes) – so there is a lot of stuff in prior posts.  Please do check them out too if this is a topic of interest to you.  In reverse chronological order:

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Still More Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

With some Israel-related materials here:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok

Don’t forget my special report on the *cough cough* hardships of pre-Oct 7 “Concentration Camp Gaza”:

Pre-War “Concentration Camp” Gaza – Granite Grok

And here are four pictures from pre-Oct 7.  Wow, that’s some concentration camp:






‘Death to Jews’ Is Still Super-Popular With Gazans Getting Their Butts Kicked by Jews – PJ Media

Israel, it turned out, was far too lenient in its treatment of Gaza since abandoning the strip almost 20 years ago. Allowing aid to pour in, cities to be built, making medical care and jobs available in Israel for those who wanted them… all that kindness brought was an even greater determination among the people of Gaza to murder more Jews.

They asked for a pounding on Oct 7. They ask for it still.

Give the people what they want, good and hard.









I would SO laugh if these “useful idiots” got shredded by a nail bomb planted by a Muslim.






The problem is this: BY DESIGN these people now have their identity.  OK, it’s a fabricated identity, but it now exists nonetheless.  Scolding them that their world view is based on a total fabrication will NOT win them over.  Myth has tremendous power.










Biden’s ‘Trojan Pier’ for Gaza – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at

The Biden administration is creating a gateway to Gaza that Israel isn’t supposed to control.

The Trojan pier is not only about bypassing Israel, but also Egypt. The administration’s vision is that the new arrangement will allow it to directly move materials into Gaza without having to get permission from either Israel or Egypt. And that’s a major victory for the terrorists.

Thanks, But No Thanks: Israel Replacing US Assault Rifles with Locally Made Arms | The Jewish Press – | David Israel | 26 Adar I 5784 – Wednesday, March 6, 2024 |


American money – and aid – comes with too many strings attached.  Whether Israel or any other country, they really need to examine their priorities and work to wean themselves of American largess… which is fickle at best and subject to the vicissitudes of politics.

Have Gazans Learned Nothing? – PJ Media


Now, I want to post two multi-part essays from my old blog about this.  The first two, specifically, address Israel and the Arabs.


E Israel and the Palestinians Hard info and a harder question 1


E Israel and the Palestinians Hard info and a harder question 2


The second describes, among other topics, the power of political myth – including the “unique” identity of the Palis.  Yes, I know that only in the 1960’s did the idea of “Palestinians” as a specific entity come about.



The issue is, it’s been 60 years since then.  Multiple generations have grown up with this belief, taught it from the day of their birth.  We will make no progress if we just scoff and say that they never existed.  Denying and mocking a central part of a person’s identity is not a worthwhile exercise.

Note, these next three essays encompass much more than the Israel situation but delve into other things – hopefully enlightening, but understand they’re broad essays, not focused solely on the situation vis a vis Israel.


E The Power of Political Myth 1


E The Power of Political Myth 2


E The Power of Political Myth 3


Israel’s hasbara problem: Where is the messaging falling short? ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

I keep saying: Israel needs to release that full 47 minute tape.




A woman who grew up as the Palis took over her country tells Israel to finish the job:



You need to read her book BECAUSE THEY HATE.  One of the things that I did not know, per her book, is that they will find a gay Arab and threaten to expose him unless he becomes a suicide bomber.  Same with women who, again per her, they will rape – and then threaten exposure of her with the related shame to her family… unless she do the same.  Related, understand that shame-based culture:


Bleeding-heart American Jews like the one discussed here are not helping:



Pleasing your enemies, even taking their side, does not turn them into friends:




SO NOT A SURPRISE! Jewish Senator Chuck Schumer’s ‘rabbi’ is a far-left, anti-Israel activist who protested against the war on Hamas (

About that:

The west’s abandonment of the Jews – Melanie Phillips (

Far worse, though, was Glazer’s abuse of Judaism and the Holocaust to claim that Israel had hijacked both. He implied that Israelis were like Nazis and that their behaviour went against Jewish principles.

This to describe a war caused by the worst atrocities against Jews since the Holocaust and Israel’s attempt to ensure that a second Holocaust does not happen again.

The obscenity of Glazer’s comments can scarcely be exaggerated. The belief that demonising Israeli Jews somehow represents Jewish values is, however, a pathology that has twisted the minds of many liberal American Jews. It is being fed by a venomously distorted presentation of Israelis as child-killers in Gaza that’s being ruthlessly pumped out by western media.

In Shift, Israel Engaging Palestinian Authority on Governing Post-War Gaza | The Jewish Press – | Baruch Yedid / TPS | 4 Adar II 5784 – Wednesday, March 13, 2024 |

So, the very people who ally with Hamas, you’re going to talk with and “engage” with?

While the far-left, Hamas-sympathizing governments of the West turn on Israel… (

When someone says they want you dead, believe them.  From one of their own:

Prager U Video: Arab Palestinian Warns the World about Hamas | Frontpage Mag

Suicide by Irresponsibly-Imposed Two-State Delusion | Frontpage Mag



(HT this post at Elder of Ziyon)

Rewarding terror.

The Civilizational Masochism of the West | Frontpage Mag




Khaybar is a key event in Islam’s conquest, first of Arabia.  Understand what it means to them:

Genocidal ‘Khaybar’ Chant Sounds Again in London | Frontpage Mag

Search at Jihad Watch:

Search Results for “khaybar” (

And a video at my channel:

Understand what the cry KHAYBAR means to a Muslim (

And here’s a WOMAN Egyptian lawyer, in 2008:

Egyptian Lawyer Nagla Al-Imam Suggests Arab Men Should Sexually Harass Israeli Women and Declares: Leave the Land So We Won’t Rape You | MEMRI

A Muslim speaks on history:



And I do find something deeply ironic in a (former) porn star supporting Gaza, when that profession would have earned her a rather painful execution in the place for which she advocates.




Imagine the anguish of that dad on that phone call:



23 weeks ago terrorists brought RPGs into sleepy Israeli towns and fired on (

Isn’t deliberately targeting civilians a war crime?

No one denies Hamas was hiding in Shifa Hospital. And no one is condemning that violation of international law. ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

So Hamas is free to commit war crimes and war crimes.  Israel sneezes and the world looks at it and screams.  Israel double-standard time.




Bravo to this Mizrahi Jew at Columbia University calling out the university and students:



Also in New York:



Berkeley Is a Safe Space for Hate – Tablet Magazine

Not just Berkeley.  Pretty much all college campuses at this point.  And the danger and calls for murdering Jews are getting more pointed:



How does any feminist support Hamas?



While the far-left, Hamas-sympathizing governments of the West turn on Israel… (

Video.  There is NO moral equivalence.  None.




Israel Implemented More Measures to Prevent Civilian Casualties Than Any Other Nation in History | Opinion (

In fact, as someone who has served two tours in Iraq and studied urban warfare for over a decade, Israel has taken precautionary measures even the United States did not do during its recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We keep hearing about famine and such in Gaza.  Based on the pictures below, from here, I do not think that means what they think it means.  Fruits & veggies, pastries, canned / carton goods.  Perhaps not haute cuisine, but at the same time – NOT starvation.

Market today in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.
There is no hunger in the Gaza Strip!





And from the same channel – lights, camera, editing… propaganda:



Back to conditions on the ground:

This is the Rafah market in the Gaza Strip last week.  Doesn’t look like “genocide” or “occupation” to me.



Well, unless it’s Hamas shooting at the people they’re supposed to be protecting:



And from here:


1⃣ 80% more food trucks are now entering Gaza compared with before Hamas declared war. Before 10/7, UN figures show only 70 food trucks entered Gaza every day. Since March 1, it’s a daily average of 126.

2⃣ Over 9,500 trucks with 200,000+ tons of food have entered Gaza since 10/7.

3⃣ Israel places zero restrictions on the amount of food entering Gaza and in fact encourages donor states to send as much as they want. It remains committed to ensuring as much aid as is needed enters Gaza.

4⃣ Hamas is hijacking and hoarding aid, while UN agencies turn a blind eye and on some occasions actively cover up its large-scale theft of aid.

5⃣ The United Nations has confirmed a “significant scale-up in humanitarian efforts… facilitated by the Israeli authorities across Gaza”, involving WFP trucks and Israeli cooperation with the Gazan private sector.

6⃣ Israel is facilitating aid deliveries into Gaza by air, land, and sea, with the creation of a new maritime corridor, airdrops to hard-to-reach areas, and the opening of a new gate in the security fence.

7⃣ Israel has expanded the Jordanian route, adding capacity at the Allenby Crossing for the inspection of humanitarian aid trucks to go straight to Kerem Shalom.

8⃣ The UN is failing to distribute aid at the pace Israel is facilitating its entry, with trucks piling up on the Gazan side of the crossing. The UN attributes this to a “breakdown of law and order”, i.e. disappearance of the “protection” of Hamas gunmen who escorted the convoys.

9⃣ Israel’s assessment is there is a stable food supply in the southern Gaza Strip, where markets are evidently bustling and stocks are piling up in aid agencies’ warehouses. It is taking proactive measures to expand delivery efforts in the north, where only 10-15% of the Gazan population remains despite evacuation orders.

🔟 The IPC report, which quotes Hamas figures uncritically, claims to be a projection but admits that it “does not take into account the latest developments on the ground”, including major humanitarian initiatives in the last week. As such, it’s a bad assessment, based on an out-of-date picture that cannot provide a meaningful projection of future trends

And from here:

Israel facilitates the entry of humanitarian aid via land, air and sea in accordance with international law. We have placed no limit on the amount of food that can enter the Gaza Strip.

Watch the full statement by COGAT’s spokesperson for international media, Shimon Freedman.


Hillel Fuld post on LinkedIn – with pictures

Yes, thieves in Gaza are stealing food at gunpoint ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

It’s a win win for Hamas.  They intimidate and even starve their captive population, make money off of selling the aid that was donated, and the enemedia runs with everything as a misdeed by Israel:

Hamas battle strategy (

Israel’s strategic game of survival – Flopping Aces

“Their only goal is to survive. … It’s all about time. They want to survive Israel’s attack against them, which gives them immense political power. If they survive in any way, they have strategically won the war,” said Spencer.

Hamas didn’t invent this strategy. This has been the Palestinians’ strategy for defeating Israel since at least the 1982 war in Lebanon. In that war, the PLO relied on the United States to force Israel to permit the PLO to survive to fight another day, by evacuating to Tunisia.

The Palestinians clearly identified Israel’s greatest strategic vulnerabilities and built their strategy around them. Its first vulnerability is its Jewishness. Israel is the Jew of the international community. As such, it is continuously scapegoated, just as Jews have been scapegoated throughout history. The United States is the only powerful nation that has ever been willing to stand up to international bigotry against the Jewish state. So the only thing needed to collapse Israel’s international position is for America to turn against Israel.

This goes double for military capabilities. Since 1973, Israel’s ability to maintain its war effort militarily has dependent on the U.S. resupply of arms during the course of war. By the Palestinians’ line of reasoning, if their many friends could convince Washington not to supply Israel with weapons in wartime, then they will survive.

Since all the Palestinians need to do to win is survive, their strategic aces in the hole are antisemitism and time.


The Strategy of Atrocity in the Gaza War :: Gatestone Institute

More than half, and maybe as many as 75%, of Gaza deaths are Hamas terrorists. Here’s why. ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News



Israeli military tells Gazans to evacuate Al-Shifa hospital – Insider Paper

Why would a military bent on “genocide” tell people to leave a potential combat zone?




That’s a nice looking suit for an oppressed and downtrodden people.

BBC Journalists ‘Like’ Videos Celebrating Hamas Terror Attacks – The Daily Sceptic

I wonder what would happen to a journalist that liked a KKK or related video.

More Pallywood:



From here:

A Gazan woman is complaining about the situation in Gaza; you know the usual BS, “Everything is ruined, no food.” pay attention to her makeup, manicured eyebrows, and her neat apartment. But “Gaza is starving,” they tell us. The lies never end.

(Abu Ali)



And from here an exposure of how Hamas is an expert at Pallywood:

Hamas spins agitprop to appeal to western sensibilities (

Another video on the Apartheid charge – and a real case of it:



I thought this was interesting.  Truth, from a child…

It warms the heart seeing Al-Jazeera blunder on live television. A reporter describes the difficult situation in northern Gaza, particularly the meager rations available during Ramadan. A child photobombs the broadcast and says they are all liars.





Not sure where this Imam is, but… understand their mentality re non-Muslim women:

If you want to understand why it’s not Hindus, Sikhs, jews, kidnapping and torturing children across our country.

Rotherham, Oldham, Telford….

Just listen to this and understand why, their sickening mentality.



They’ve already been at it all over Europe, and now too many want to bring them to the US.  And those in the US preach this:

Sermons By California Imams In Support Of October 7th Attack | MEMRI

WATCH: Michigan Imam Calls for Slaughter of Jews | United with Israel

From here:

This is happening in Canada.

Radical Islamist Imam’s hate speech targets Zionist Jews, compares them to apes and pigs. Pure antisemitism.

We cannot allow this blind hate. Jews must be safe wherever they are. #StopHateSpeech


Illegal alien from Lebanon caught at Southern border admitted he’s a Hezbollah-trained terrorist hoping ‘to set off a bomb” in New York City (

And who is coming in?  Who is already here?  Open borders have consequences, and we won’t like them one bit.  More:

THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS: October 7, 2023 massacre by Hamas could be a prelude to what could happen in the rest of the world

First Saturday, then Sunday.

The Islamist Transformation of Ohio in One Video | Frontpage Mag

Demographic transformation.  And conquest by migration is a real doctrine in Islam.  If you watch this video, and don’t have a shiver run up your spine, IMHO you’ve lost your survival instinct.






US will only support ‘small-scale’ Rafah op – Report | World Israel News

Biden Admin Turns Up Pressure On Israel Not To Capture Hamas Rafah Stronghold, Arms Supplies Reportedly At Risk (

Biden Offers Israel a ‘Deal’ That Sounds Like a Threat – Commentary Magazine

The US is, apparently, bound and determined to not let Israel win.  Why?

Biden is throwing Israel under the bus to appease genocidal antisemitic voters – American Thinker

From here:

Nasrallah marks the key to the influence on Israel: continued pressure on the US

Nasrallah, in his speech this evening on the occasion of the month of Ramadan, emphasizes: Biden can stop the aggression in Gaza and Lebanon with the wave of a pen.

Here is the translation of the attached distilled minute from Nasrallah’s speech this evening:

“We must thank the many who are protesting today in the US and congratulate them whether they are Arabs or Muslims or non-Muslims, Christians and others in the Democratic Party who wrote to Biden – we are not obligated to vote for you (Nasrallah means the “white ballots” in the Michigan primaries ) – they influence Very much at this point. This is the most important pressure point on the Biden administration.

Biden is not afraid of the world, nor of the international community, nor of Allah, nor of the history books, nor of anything.

Biden is now afraid of only one thing: that his policies and conduct in Gaza will lead to his loss in the presidential elections, and therefore he is debating… and resisting… and playing… if this pressure and this opposition in the US continue – then this gives an opening for hope (that the war will stop – AA) ”

(Abu Ali)

Blinken: Israel’s ‘job No. 1’ is protecting, aiding Gazans –

Israel’s job is protecting Israelis.

Will the Biden Regime order a military attack on Israel next? (

Wouldn’t surprise me.

I don’t recall which military branch / unit has the motto “No better friend, no worse enemy”.  Increasingly, as we’ve seen over the last decades, the US can be described as “No worse friend, no better enemy”.

Rabbi Pesach Wolicki: Chuck Schumer Is A “Court Jew” Pushing Progressive Ideals – “What He Did with Israel is a Disgrace” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Yes, Schumer is a “court Jew”.

Schumer Warns Israel to Spare Hamas or Face Sanctions (

SELF-HATING, ISLAMIC TERRORIST PANDERING JEW, NY Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer, threatens Israel with crippling economic sanctions if they don’t stop the war against Hamas (

Schumer’s Shame | Frontpage Mag




A Gaza children’s book that glorifies a murderer for killing a Jew ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

What a wonderful children’s book.  Not.




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Connections Israel

And please share this post far and wide.  There’s a lot of info here that many people don’t know.  Post it, email it, share widely.

Also, if you’re willing:

Buy Me a Coffee




MUST-SEE VIDEO: Netanyahu concisely describes Israel’s accomplishments, goals, and commitment – American Thinker

This is an existential war.  Not only for Israel, but for Western Civilization.  Islam has always said First Saturday, then Sunday.  First the Jews, then the Christians.  Support for Israel doesn’t just come from my Jewish heart, but my love of America and Western Civilization.

If Israel falls, if the West feeds Israel to Islam in appeasement, it will only steel the resolve of Islam to continue its advances.

This is the danger we face.  The line must be drawn.  Here.  Now.  Or this will turn into Shiite Islam’s wet dream – a global conflagration that precedes – in their view – the coming of their version of the Messiah.  Hence, to the Iranians at the back of all this, WWIII is not a bug but a feature.

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