Friday Meme Overflow


To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





As a follow-up to my post about the vulnerability of the grid, I just read this:

How Would A Post-Apocalyptic Society Function Without Electricity And Running Water? (There were many people in America who didn’t have electricity and running water well into the 1940s.) (






Because it’s advanced by intellectuals.  As Sowell said, paraphrased, there are some ideas so stupid only an intellectual could believe them.





This echoes other analyses I’ve read over the years.  Understand, though, that the *cough cough* “informed” Warmist will know this is one data set from Greenland ice cores, and sputter “Well, that’s not the whole world”.  As though there’s a worldwide database of past climate temperatures from that long ago.  Which, then, you can turn on them to ask “Then how are you so sure temperatures were lower then”?



You can’t play around with paper ballots that are openly counted with inspectors.  That’s why.




Floyd was not murdered by the police.  He was a dead man walking with that much fentanyl (let alone anything else) in his system.  Of course, the “fact checkers” are out debunking this.

“Saint Floyd of Fentanyl”.








Good for you!  That’s difficult these days.





More broadly, just about every Democrat.  And, sadly, not a few Republicans too.












Another data point in the idea that Fico was not shot by a “lone wolf”… when you get a message of “Play our game or you’ll end up like him, because he didn’t play either”, that’s a damned explicit indicator.














24/7 advancement of perversion, incoming!









16 MILLION?????





There’s money in sin.





As though this wasn’t predictable.




I’ve seen multiple versions of an adage to the effect that nobody likes a person who actually tells the truth.




What’s that expression about being fooled once, then fooled twice? 😀




That’s actually a really good point.









Most people don’t really want freedom, I’m finding.  Oh they’ll talk about it in a good game, but… not really.






Delicious mockery.











Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Treason Of The Intellectuals And Danger From Within | ZeroHedge

You must remember, they really do view themselves as superior intellects.

Now, THIS is the way to deal with pro-Hamas protesters who block traffic (

Or protestors in general.  But I’m torn.  Good on these people for taking matters into their own hands since the cops are worse than useless.

But… not only are these good men being opened to assault charges by the feckless authorities, but they’re also failing to teach a bigger lesson: that non-violent protests only work because of the restraint of those inconvenienced.  Please understand that I’m not advocating actual bodily harm, but OTOH, in a bloodthirsty mode, if a few got their heads drop-kicked they’d soon figure out that people are DONE with their protests.

Then, things get interesting.  Either they go home, faced with actual potential for bodily harm… or they up the ante and get violent themselves.  And then things can spiral.  To wit:

Unmasking the Insurrection: How Gaza Protests Serve a Bigger Agenda – Flopping Aces

Chicago Campus Protestors Announce Terror Campaign Against the U.S. -Capital Research Center

War Room: British Member of Parliament Reveals UK and US Soldiers Are Active in Ukraine Firing Advanced Missiles at Russia (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Letting the cat out of the bag.  We’re already in WWIII.  Related:

The US Is Now More Openly Allowing Ukraine To Use Its Arms To Strike Inside Of Russia | ZeroHedge

It’s one thing to supply small arms.  It’s a step up to supply significant weapons.  But it’s a further step when those weapons you supply cause fatalities INSIDE the other side’s nation.  And doubtless the ante will grow further.  They. Want. WWIII.

Joe and Hunter Biden used a visit to Sandy Hook memorial service to set up secret meet with Chinese over $10m-a-year deal, new emails reveal | Daily Mail Online


Is the Biden administration suppressing evidence of human trafficking? (

Representative Warren Davidson questioned Secretary of State Blinken about why the American government is pressuring the Guatemalan Congress to remove the Guatemalan Attorney General. (This should remind you of then Vice President Biden going to Ukraine to demand the firing of a prosecutor.) The Guatemalan Attorney General is trying to stop child trafficking, and for some reason, this bothers the Biden administration.

Judge Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt – The Last Refuge (

Red Queen: Verdict first, trial after.  Related to Trump:

FBI Authorized-for-Lethal-Force Mar-a-Lago Trump Raid WAS NOT STANDARD PROCEDURE! Viva & Barnes (

I still think the plan was to have them be armed, false-flag a violent incident when Trump was there, and then Ooopsie! Trump gets caught in the crossfire.

Study: The Amount of Copper Needed for EVs Is ‘Impossible for Mining Companies to Produce’ (

Copper, vanadium, other rare earths that go into solar systems as well.  We literally don’t have the materials to fulfil the dreams of the everything green crowd.

Wheat Jumps To Nine-Month High On Fears Of Dwindling Global Stockpiles | ZeroHedge

Fears of, not necessarily actual.  But yes, this is a multi-front war on the food supply.  From meat to staples like wheat, the plan is to squeeeeeze and induce panic.

May 2024 COVID-19 And mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List – Fatherly Advice and Rants

Not endorsing this as I really haven’t fully gone through it, but it looks interesting.

Biden Used Unsecure, Fake Email for Sensitive Security Briefings. (

And he’s not in jail because… oh, wait, Democrat privilege.

Today’s news is moving us closer to WW3…Potential NUCLEAR WAR on the horizon. | NC Renegades

Video, 14 minutes.  Hard to disagree.  And this?

War Is Their Only Objective | NC Renegades

Moscow reacts to US trade embargo warning — RT World News

Ukraine striking targets deep inside Russia with Western weapons – AFP — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Putin warns West about consequences of long-range strikes on Russia — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Poke poke poke poke poke.  At some point Russia will realize that sooner or later they’ll be forced into war with NATO, and decide to just get their licks in first.

‘Foreigners Out’: German EDM Song With Nationalist Lyrics ‘Ausländer Raus’ Becomes a Sensation Among Youth – Police to Crack Down on ‘Racism’ (VIDEOS) | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

And there’s apparently a similar French version too.

Look, I think it’s right that people are finally taking action.  But am I afraid that this could devolve into something very bad?  Yes.  But again, I understand it fully.

So much for “peer review” — Wiley shuts down 19 science journals and retracts 11,000 gobbledygook papers « JoNova (

Good that they’re retracted, but this points out that “peer review” is not the guarantor of accuracy that it projects.  Also, on fraud in science:

The Great Betrayal: Fraud in Science

Grant Cardone on the Charlie Kirk Show: “300 Banks WILL FAIL in Next 24 Months” * * by Noah

Ruh roh.  And on the economy:

Here’s the beef: Massive number now say fast-food burgers are a ‘luxury’ | WND | by Bob Unruh

A fast food burger, a luxury.  Thanks Brandon.  Economy-related:

The World Has Accumulated A $315 Trillion Mountain Of Debt, And Global Events Will Soon Bring It Crashing Down – Activist Post

First It Was Cattle, Now They Want To mRNA Vaxx The Chickens! * * by Noah

The slow squeeze on all food.  mRNA related

BILLIONS Still Expected To Die In Coming Years From COVID “Vaccines,” Says Analyst * * by Noah

Many are predicting this.  With a few exceptions, I pray they’re wrong.  But if they’re right, the world cannot stay in a civilization – at least on a global scale – if we’re losing 1/3 of the people.  Related:

Vaxxed Deaths Recorded as Unvaxxed to Make Covid Shots Appear ‘Safe,’ Official Data Shows – Slay News

They falsified data to drive fear that if you were “unvaccinated” you were at greater risk of dying.

Ottawa detective suspended for investigating babies who died from SIDS after mothers took the jab… – Revolver News

A little subtler than it appears on its face, but this does definitely look like blowback for asking inconvenient questions.

Survival Skills You Can Trade After SHTF – Ask a Prepper

Good to have this skill list segmented.  On foraging specifically:

10 Plants Soldiers Looked for During the Civil War – Ask a Prepper

And related:

How Would A Post-Apocalyptic Society Function Without Electricity And Running Water? (There were many people in America who didn’t have electricity and running water well into the 1940s.) (

Hate Crimes Charges Dropped for Christian Who Destroyed Satan Statue in Iowa Capital – The Lid (


The Eye of Microsoft – Bill Whittle

Microsoft takes another hit on their new “Recall” feature.  Bill Whittle.

Good article from the Epoch Times regarding how the “intellectual class” has sold out America to bolster their own power:

Treason of the Intellectuals and Danger From Within | The Epoch Times

Related:  How the “woke” are changing classic literature to match the DEI initiatives.  Because they can’t accept that people LIKE the classics as they are:

Woke Ideologues Loathe the Legacy of English-Speaking Peoples | The Epoch Times

In this article, T.L. Davis makes a pretty good case that we are already in a dictatorship, where the government does what it wants, the pResident ignores SCOTUS rulings, the Three Letter Agencies & the Deep State are who is REALLY ruling us, and anyone who stands up against the narrative gets hammered:

Overthrow the Dictatorship – by T.L. Davis (

Related:  How the CIA got the DOJ to back off of Hunter Biden’s associates:

CIA Blocked Probe Into Hunter Biden’s ‘Sugar Brother’ Kevin Morris, Docs Show | The Daily Caller

Congress is FINALLY starting to put the screws to the NIH and get them to admit that 1) they DID help create the Covid-19 virus in Wuhan, and 2) they actively deleted emails and destroyed information to cover it up:


‘You’re Going To Be Haunted By Your Testimony’: Bipartisan Lawmakers Grill Top Fauci Aid Over FOIA Evasion | The Daily Caller

N adds: I will not hold my breath that anything actually comes of it.

The DHS now admits that they are monitoring anyone who buys a 3D printer, or who buys a lot of supplies for same (but they won’t say how much is “a lot”).  One more “big brother is watching you” for the TLA’s:

N adds: Why would they want to monitor 3D printing?  Oh, wait, because of 3D printed guns, no doubt.

More on the lowering of standards in Medical Schools:

Oakland Removes Traffic Lights | Frontpage Mag

Liberalism destroys everything it touches.

Buried in a UN report: Gaza aid workers forcing women into prostitution for food ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

And THESE are the agencies and people the anti-Israel protestors – especially women – are lifting up?  GET US OUT OF THE UN.

New data show that ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious just got a lot more scandalous – Flopping Aces

Oh look what just got uncovered.

NEW HOAX DROP: ‘Trump Said N-Word 20 Years Ago,’ Claims Ex-Apprentice Producer. (



MY thought?  They see Trump rising among blacks, and The Potato slipping, and they need to invent something to try and stop that.

MSNBC’s Primal Scream: Those Darn Voters Don’t Understand How Dangerous Trump Is (

They’re losing it!  Related:

Top Dems in ‘full-blown freakout’ over Biden’s re-election chances | WND | by Bob Unruh




Pick of the Post:


Last minute update, Trump convicted.  MHO is this:

  1. It cannot NOT get overturned on appeal (but see image below).  So many unprecedented aspects.
  2. The real goal is to keep Trump off the campaign trail.
  3. Also to give the enemedia “Convicted felon Trump” fodder
  4. And if, by some chance, they stick him in jail, then even with Secret Service protection, he’s very much at risk.

Though speaking of appeals, here – apparently – is the appeals court:



I’ll have more to say, likely in a stand-alone piece, but… we’ve crossed a Rubicon here.  The Left pushes and pushes and pushes, and soon – assuming we even have an election in November – it’s time for hard decisions.



Eagle in Armor - notice j


Find your inner steel.  Don’t start anything.  But Spicy Time approacheth.


jfk peaceful and violent revolutions



The trees have been cut down.  The winds are building.


A Man for All Seasons – The Devil Speech



This cannot be recovered from; even if the appeals process reverses, the precedent has been set, to the thunderous applause from the Left.





Palate Cleansers:



Damn do I relate to this.  My screwdrivers too.  And that one nut / bolt / screw / washer I need.


Stop me if you’ve herd that one before.  TGIF… I’ll show myself out.




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




vaccine grinder - notice j


And please see all my Jab-related cartoons here.



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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