The Kulaks Were Folks Like You and Me

The movie, “Alien,” directed by Ridley Scott, is a tour de force about the unchecked onslaught of an alien organism that is allowed aboard an outer space mining ship despite warnings by other members of the crew.

It proceeds to have the run of the place as it grows geometrically.

Just one crew member escapes from the alien. She then discovers that the alien has even boarded her escape pod. She finally blasts the alien organism into outer space and survives. But, my NH friends, this is a simple portrayal of our future.

Today, Biden’s escape pods are landing all over our nation, purposefully flying in the dark of night, carrying a cargo of illegal aliens, nope, not from outer space but from south of our ever deeply porous southern border. These are folks who were just given smartphones so that ICE, despite being ordered not to, can track them. But we all know that in this mug’s game, if you don’t turn the phone on, you don’t get tracked. How expensively inane an idea Old Joe has found to flog us with.

Democrats, including our own federal representatives, our liberal coterie whom I’ve never met anyone who voted for them in this our year of great discontent, hold the current view that while we are dreadfully concerned about Ukraine’s borders, we should have none at home. That only those with the critical skills we desperately need, because our education system has failed us so, like physicists, engineers, and software designers, must wait those years of penury for legal entry while the red tape is spooled and unwound, while those devoid of any needed skills, those who cannot speak English and those without the abilities needed in our increasingly technical workplaces, are all immediately welcome in our “big tent”.

We want to thank John Burtis for this Op-Ed.
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These masses are called freedom caravans and they are led by folks called “coyotes”, in the current vernacular, as they wind their way towards our border, set up camp, then mob their way across. It has become so bad that a stuttering “Blue Collar” Joe Biden has asked for “volunteers” to police this non-existent border.

Title 42, a CDC order issued under that president who must not be named unless it is to prosecute him and try to hound him from the nation he led to unparalleled heights of economic success for all, which protects us from those carrying pandemics like, oh, smallpox and Covid-19, things Old Joe promised to vanquish.

Psaki ‘splains’ that Old Joe Biden refuses to renew it on May 23rd this year! Even gaggles of liberal pundits from CNN to CBS say that this activity will result in a greater tsunami of unvetted future Democrat voters than the one we already have and our southern ranchers’ experience.

Where we once had stable population growth, we now operate a national Bedlam. Where the taxpayers once paid for their own projects, they are now paying for the federal infrastructure demanded as a result of this almost totally unchecked Krakatoa of illegal immigrants. And today, where English was once the proud language of our land, the White House operates a second, third, and how many different websites in foreign tongues. Who can say how many?

We were once able to openly discuss this problem anywhere we pleased. But today we are cowed by an inimical political system, craven base politicians of the ilk of Joe Biden, Dick Turban, who has called US soldiers “Nazis,” and Nancy Pelosi and her darlings, and the draping of all constructive conversations on immigration with the invidious and highly abrasive asbestos curtains of “political correctness,” which precludes all mention of certain topics and which creates the illusion that we, the honest law-abiding citizens of the United States of America, are the problem.

We, honest working God-fearing folk, are the eye winker of the southern invasion, and yet we fail to recognize that the lawless bandits invading our nation are the answer to all of our economic and social woes and will lead us to a sun-filled upland resulting from their income taxes and their gardening. However, our survival can only be tempered by the application of national ballot “harvesting” methods to ensure that idiocies like proffering a driver’s license, checking a voter against his or her precinct, ensuring that some sap doesn’t vote a half dozen times and the use of paper ballots are forever discouraged.

I am so like, tired of hearing about a racist America which does not appreciate foreign culture. That American citizens were suffering from the pains and headaches of a feckless nationalism following our westward expansion, the horrors of its accompanying genocide, and a US Constitution, wept over and valued by previous generations who saved us from the incursions of Emperors, Kaisers, and fascists, which is viewed today as a scrap of paper endowed with a racist construct to prolong slavery, debase women and eliminate the overarching rights of our transgender population. Sadly, the conversation always includes our, mine, and your, eternal lack of Haute sophistication.

The world would be a better place, globalists like John Kerry and Bill Gates whine, if our nation was simply transmogrified to a backwater squat where they would cruise above us, leaving only the contrails from their private jets to mar a clear blue sky, using the same fuels we are to be denied.

Those of us schooled in adherence to the following of real laws are viewed as dinosaurs, white supremacists, and oppressors of the people. Even black conservatives are publicly berated for being “white” or, if they don’t vote for Joe Biden, “…you ain’t black,” in Joe’s high falutin’ vernacular.

Today, the idea that the legal American taxpayer is always at fault in all matters is the common theme, save for the emptying of our pockets to bankroll the onrush of crooks, and the children, always “the children”, born of this unchecked yet beckoned invasion.

This view is reinforced by the leveling of our forefathers, where men like Washington, Jefferson and Madison are routinely denigrated, vilified, and hung out to dry on a laundry line of fictional ills, from fathering half-caste children to being bloodthirsty and brutal savages for defending our nation’s right to survive in a world filled with bloodthirsty and brutal savages. Today these murderers simply have different names like Hamas, Hezbollah, Taliban, and Putin.

These same forefathers would have gazed with stultified awe at the military horn of plenty we just bequeathed to the Taliban, those murderous thugs whom President Biden just rearmed through his sage idiocy and said to gentlemen he could del with.

This is the existential threat to the survival of the country we cherished and died for growing among us. And this problem may fully wreak our downfall and determine the pace of our accelerated descent into barbarism quicker than a few nukes tossed our way by Vlad Putin, bless his heart, whose war machine we now support through the daily purchase of his oil, Jed Clampett’s black gold. And we must not forget the Biden family’s friends – Red China where Hunter Biden cruised, hat in hand, for a bit of Beijing specie.

Congressional and presidential failure to acknowledge that the perils of this encouragement of illegal immigration by the liberal cognoscenti, Democrats one worlders, and deep staters is a cancer on our national character which will affect our future survival and lead to our downfall, a decline as sure as Rome’s if left unchecked.

But it is ever more apparent that this ongoing flood, bereft of any federal law enforcement levees or dams, is designed to destroy us just as surely as Iosef V. Stalin destroyed Russia’s kulaks.

You may have a slight inkling of who the kulaks were. They were folks just like you and me.



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