South Park: No, You Can’t Get Pregnant and Have an Abortion Because You’re a Dude

by Skip

Heh!  The Trans-Authoritarians are ALL up in arms over a resurfaced clip from South Park showing a man pretending to be a woman that is pregnant and is demanding an abortion.  Yes, this was great commentary back in 2005 about Society starting to have a nervous breakdown. Who knew that what Parents would tell their children “You can be anything you want when you grow up!” would go so wrong so fast and so far?  That males could be women and give birth simply because they said so?

Yes, it IS a delusion and the problem is that this very teeny-tiny percentage of the population not only believes they can be what they aren’t. The worst part is that the Trans-Authoritarians demand that we not just tolerate such nonsense but throw away OUR sense of reality and knowing what a woman is totally out the window of a large skyscraper. And if we don’t, we’re transphobic (as stupid a phobia as there is).

For example:

And from the NY Post:

The doctor then attempts to tell his patient that they are “physically unable to have an abortion because you can’t get pregnant.” Garrison then shouts back: “Don’t you tell me what I can and can’t do with my body! A woman has a right to choose.”

The animated doc then explains the basic birds and bees to Garrison. “You can’t have periods, either. You had a sex change, Mr. Garrison, but you don’t have ovaries or a womb. You don’t produce eggs.”

A disgruntled Garrison then bemoans the possibility that they will never feel what it’s like to have a baby grow inside them — or experience what it’s like to “scramble its brains.”

When the doctor affirms, once again, that Garrison will never experience the full joys of womanhood, Garrison states: “But I paid $5,000 to be a woman. This would mean I’m not really a woman. I’m just a guy with a mutilated penis.”

At the end of the clip, Garrison: “Boy, do I feel like a jackass”.

At least he recognized he isn’t what he can’t be. Seventeen years down the line, however, a lot of these guys have such fragile notions of themselves that they either can’t face others in admitting they are wrong – or harder, can’t face themselves.  There’s a reason why gender dysphoria is considered to be a mental illness and it is now common knowledge that transgender people are FAR more likely to have multiple other mental disorders that make that edge just that much thinner to break.

A lot of folks have said that this is “brutal”. Sometimes, tough love IS brutal because it has to break through that wall of delusion that is thrown up (being the Dad of an addict, his wall of delusion that he didn’t need help was very tough to pierce indeed).  Not accepting his delusion to be mine was part of the cure even though he called me hurtful and uncaring…until he saw I wasn’t, just truthful and honest.

Perhaps instead of going along with this stuff, perhaps more of us should be saying what studies are telling us “stop it – you’ll grow out of it”.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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