Under Biden Admin Title X Funds Abortions or You Get Nothing

Family and planning both infer the existence of something and its future. The Left has long defined abortion as the only valid definition. Family planning to a Democrat is a void left empty and you don’t get any of that monopoly money they print in DC if you are not on board.



The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded $4.5 million this year to the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) to spend on “family planning services,” a sum it quickly rescinded after OSDH chose not to spend the Title X grant on abortion. …

Oklahoma law prohibits them from using it to pay for abortion, so the Bidenistas demanded it back. Even though …


The most startling part of the administration’s decision is that it’s out of step with its very own federal parameters under Title X. Each year since 1976, Congress has reaffirmed that Title X funds “shall not be expended for abortions,” but should instead be directed toward pregnancy prevention, testing, and for screenings as well as disease treatment and counseling.


Pregnancy prevention is also abortion prevention, and while Planned Parenthood (PP) talks up contraception, their core business -their mission –  is abortion. And Demcorats don’t get paid for preventing pregnancy. Abortion powers the laundromat—tax dollars make dead babies, which become Democrat campaign contributions.

Title X (to them) is a way to get your money into their pockets, and Whoever is Running the Biden Administration has drawn a line in the bloody sand. No dead babies, no dollars for “family planning.” It’s a message. Don’t pass any laws like the one in Oklahoma.

This may also be a bit of Biden Payback. Under Trump, PP – whose defenders have long claimed could keep the family planning and abortion money separate (taxpayers were not paying for abortions) had to stop applying for Title X money. They could say it but could not prove they were able to separate the funds.

Tax dollars were paying for abortions. Democrats knew it. Everyone probably knew. But it took Trump to make them show their hand, and the Biden Administration just made it official. There is no separation between abortion and planning; if you don’t use Title X money to fund abortion clinics, you won’t get any of it.

Abortion or Bust.


Oklahoma law itself limits the use of taxpayer funds to prenatal and postnatal services that “provide health care services for pregnant women, decrease infant mortality and facilitate the birth of a live child.” The state’s statutes clearly indicate that “health care services [do] not include abortion, abortion referral, or abortion counseling.”


Oklahoma’s Representatives have written letters to Secretary Xavier Becerra opposing the move by DHHS, which I expect he’ll abort into his circular file as Democrats look for ways to use this in ads for the 2024 elections. That’s usually enough to scare off a Republican but hang on to your principles for a minute.

There is no denying that tax dollars are paying for abortions. The money can’t be separated, and based on what is h happening in Oklahoma, the Dems won’t give you any if you try. There might be an election Ad in there too.


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