NY Mayor Eric Adams

Let’s Play Who’s The Racist Bastard

Eric Adams is the mayor of New York City. He is pretty typical of big city mayors. He is a leftist. He is black, his city is struggling, and he does a lot of what American politicians these days do a lot of; blame other people for their problems.

Pete Buttigieg Norwich Bulletin pic no longer found

Racist Roads

If inequity in transportation infrastructure looks like a distraction, it is. A made-up thing that, if it were real, would be the result of Democrat rule, which makes the Left spearheading so-called remedies that much more ridiculous.

Justice Clarence Thomas

The Worst Racists Have Always Been And Remain Rich, White Liberals

Throwback to 1991 … one of the very few good things George H.W. Bush did was nominate Clarence Thomas to the United States Supreme Court. Thomas terrified … and continues to terrify the Democrat Party elite because … well you can hear him tell you why himself. Note the arrogance, the annoyance of the rich, … Read more

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Police K-9s are Racist

California has nothing better to do, so a pair of elected officials have introduced a bill that “would end the use of K-9 units for arrest, apprehension, and crowd control.”

A Vermont Democrat in a Snowstorm

Are Vermont Democrats Racist?

Talk is cheap, especially in super-white super Democrat-controlled Vermont, where only 6.4% of the population is, by all progressive accounts, not systemically racist.

crime-scene body outline murder dead

Not Enough White Men Are Killing Each Other and That’s Racist

When it comes to Democrats, what you get never aligns with the shiny brochure of narratives they sell you – it’s usually the opposite. Take Black Lives Matter. Since the Summer of  2020, The Left couldn’t shut up about it, but since then, black men have been dying at a record-setting pace.

Joy Behar screen grab twitter

Is Joy Behar Racist Or Just Not Very Bright? Or Both?

As remarkable as it may seem, this week marks Joy Behar’s first time atop our list of the week’s top knuckleheads. Though she’s made multiple appearances on our weekly tribute as an honorable mention, there had always been someone else whose knuckleheadedness had exceeded that of ‘The View’ co-host.


How to Be an Anti-Racist in Vermont

The topic of anti-racism is a hot one in Vermont, and why shouldn’t it be? Since racism is now an inbred feature to whiteness, Vermont is officially the most racist state in the U.S. after those Maniacal racists at our eastern border.