Racist Roads - Granite Grok

Racist Roads

Pete Buttigieg Norwich Bulletin pic no longer found

If inequity in transportation infrastructure looks like a distraction, it is. A made-up thing that, if it were real, would be the result of Democrat rule, which makes the Left spearheading so-called remedies that much more ridiculous.

But when has that ever stopped a Democrat? Just ask Mayor Choo-Choo Pete Buttigieg.


“We’ve got a crisis when it comes to roadway fatalities in America,” Buttigieg said. “We lose about 40,000 people every year. It’s a level that is comparable to gun violence – and we see a lot of racial disparities. Black and brown Americans and tribal citizens and rural residents are much more likely to lose their lives…”

“There are a lot of reason related to discrimination….even related to the way the roads are designed and who has access to a safe street design that’s got crosswalks and good lighting.”


Historically, the US used to lose more than 40k lives a year on the roadways, a number that started to slide downward in this century but has resurged to its historical norm. The most likely cause is risky behavior, so is there evidence of that?

Ethnicity and road-related fatalities have some history. So-called indigenous populations dominate transportation-related deaths as pedestrians as a result of speed, youth, and alcohol involvement. Black youths come next, followed by Hispanics.

It is true that young people of color are dying while driving or being struck by other drivers, and they are more likely to get struck by a car or on a bike if they are brown, young, poor, or working class, especially if you are American Indian or Alaskan native.



traffic deaths by race - ethnicity



We see similar results for both daytime and nighttime fatalities (whites did rank second highest in daytime fatalities), so is this some sad systemic racist vehicular homicide plot?

Bad drivers are more likely to harm themselves or others regardless of the roads or conditions.





There is no denying the trends, but again, why does it have to be something intangible at which Democrats can throw more of your money? Obama’s first-term stimulus boondoggle spent hundreds of billions on transportation infrastructure which the data above suggests was either an investment in systemic racism or another left-wing laundromat boondoggle.

All those people of color died anyway.

Dems are also obsessed with ending affordable transportation and 15-minute walkable cities, so the timing is suspicious.

We should also ask, how is it that decades of incontestable Dem rule over urban areas resulted in more discrimination (today) than in decades past?

It’s a scam, a trap, a distraction—a way to blame others for problems they’ve caused or watched from their protected perch. But since that continues to work for them, making them richer and more powerful in the process, why should they stop trying?

