Let’s Play Who’s The Racist Bastard

by Op-Ed

Eric Adams is the mayor of New York City. He is pretty typical of big city mayors. He is a leftist. He is black, his city is struggling, and he does a lot of what American politicians these days do a lot of; blame other people for their problems.

We want to thank Marc Abear for this Contribution – Please direct yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.
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You might think we would want to elect people who are problem solvers to political office. But you would be wrong. We tend to elect the loudest, most rhetorically adroit blame-throwers we can find. It’s what we do.

Mayor Adams this week sent out a press release accusing the Governor of Texas of “…deciding to play politics with people’s lives….” The Mayor said, “… this behavior [is] morally bankrupt and devoid of any concern for the well-being of asylum seekers….”

Mayor Adams went on asserting the governor is “… targeting five cities run by Black mayors….” Adams makes the accusations “… Abbott bussed migrants to New York against their will… had security guards hold them hostage on busses when they tried to get off in other cities… shipped them off while sick and COVID positive… tagged individuals with barcodes…” Here’s the link: https://www.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/305-23/mayor-adams-on-governor-abbott-s-decision-resume-busing-asylum-seekers-five

So, here are the questions: Is Gregg Abbott a racist bastard dumping his state’s problems on a poor big city in another state? Is Eric Adams a racist bastard deflecting responsibility away from the poor results of leftist policy decisions? What are the facts? Why should you care?

Let’s start with the facts. El Paso, Texas, is a city in Texas. It has been bussing illegals to various places around America. The Mayor is Oscar Leeser, a Democrat, a Hispanic man. El Paso has bussed 10,713 illegal migrants to New York City (NYC). The State of Texas has bussed 5,200 illegals to NYC. https://nypost.com/2022/10/06/mayor-of-el-paso-oscar-leeser-sends-twice-as-many-migrants-to-nyc-as-texas-gov-greg-abbott/ It seems Mayor Adams is “presenting the facts poorly”… at the very least he’s skewing the presentation.

It turns out the illegals are being asked where they want to go when they get to America. The illegals are choosing the cities of Chicago, Denver, and NYC. Last week the New York Post (NYP) did a story on VOLAG handling of illegals. What are VOLAGS? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VOLAG They are any of the nine U.S. private agencies and one state agency that have cooperative agreements with the State Department to provide reception and placement services for refugees arriving in the United States. Did you know the State Department was paying for the illegal immigrants flooding our southern border? https://www.judicialwatch.org/state-dept-redacts-big-chunks-22-8-mil-contract-resettle-muslim-refugees/

Well, if you ask the NGOs dealing with the illegals, like Catholic Charities or Lutheran Family Services, they will tell you, as Karina Hernandez of Catholic Family Services in Houston told the NYP. https://nypost.com/2023/04/28/nyc-chicago-final-dream-destinations-for-migrants-bussed-out-of-west-texas/ It is the illegals who are choosing Chicago and NYC as their tops choices of final destination because they have family there, they know people there. The takeaway? Mayor Adams does not know what he is talking about, or he is speaking a truth not supported by the facts.

The larger point here is: Yes, a white governor is sending illegals to black-run cities. But at least in large part, the reason so many illegals are arriving in these black-run cities is the illegals are saying they want to go there. And… black Democrat mayors in southern and western states are sending their illegal migrant problems to other black mayors across the country… Facts can be inconvenient.

In December of 2022, the City of Denver, according to Mayor Michael Hancock, got an unexpected influx of illegals. The Denver Post and the Colorado Sun reported the illegal migrants themselves who had used social media to coordinate a group trip to Denver. They believed the sudden arrival of so many of them all at once would guarantee more free services: housing, food, education, and jobs. Let that sink in. Where did that notion come from? Do you believe it was organic? https://www.denverpost.com/2022/12/15/denver-state-of-emergency-migrants-immigrants-mayor-hancock/ ; https://coloradosun.com/2022/12/18/denver-migrant-immigration-opinion-littwin/

The influx of illegals left the city in financial straits. The City could not fit all those free services into the budget. There were suddenly too many people all expecting lots of services, and delivery systems and resources were not in place.

Mayor Hancock decided to get rid of his problem. The Denver Post reported the Mayor spent $492,000 on one-way bus tickets to other cities across America. Care to guess which cities this black male mayor sent his illegal migrant problems to? Top destination; Chicago, black mayor. Second top destination; NYC, black mayor. Third top destination; Atlanta, black Mayor. Are you seeing a pattern developing here?

There does not seem to be a lot of support for Mayor Adams’ charge of racism against the Governor of Texas. What do we think of people who make unfounded allegations of racism?

What we seem to be mixing up here is a witch’s brew. We are inviting the rest of the world to send us their homeless, tempest-tossed, tired, poor, huddled masses and the wretched refuse of their teeming shores. And they are doing it. These Democrats are spreading it across America.

What we have is the nullification of our immigration law by our federal government. This is flooding the southwest with illegals. The southwestern cities are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the influx.

They are incapable, with the resources available, of dealing with the number of services needed by this uncontrolled arrival of people. The arrival cities are sharing their misery by paying for these illegal aliens to travel elsewhere. This is a federally mandated diaspora.

The illegals want to go where they have family, and contacts, or where they believe they can get services. It is a human response. The ignorant part, on the destination end, is the sanctuary assumption. The political elite has decided for their subjects that they will accept poverty, crime, and destruction of their future. That is what sanctuary is; a signed blank check for social chaos and poverty.

Couch it as you will with idyllic language. But real people require real food, real education, real water, garbage service, and policing. Those things must be paid for or people will go without. That’s what is coming. We are going to face a reckoning for the promises made but lack the ability to fulfill.

Mayor Adams is using the accusation of racism to distract from the truth. Many of America’s cities are run by Democrat mayors of all colors. They embraced sanctuary city policies. It sounded great as an expression of their city’s values.

There are over 100 sanctuary cities and 11 states in the U.S. Sanctuary jurisdictions are magnets for illegals. https://cis.org/Full-Screen-Map-Sanctuary-Cities ; https://www.fairus.org/issue/sanctuary-policies/do-you-live-1-11-sanctuary-states Think about it… Those sanctuary locations offer things like free housing, food, transportation, education, medical care, and a refusal to cooperate with officials seeking to enforce the law applicable to deportation of illegals.

If you are an illegal alien and you just got to the VOLAG on the border. Say you don’t know anybody here. Where are you going to want to go? Will the promise of getting something for nothing attract your attention? How about protection from deportation? Think the VOLAGs tell you about sanctuary cities?

Did the VOLAGs maybe do some coaching before you decided to come? Do those VOLAGs get paid for what they do? Do they operate outside the U.S as well as within? Remember, they are operating under “cooperative agreements” with the State Department. Look it up. It’s another whole bag of snakes.

Free stuff, it isn’t free. NYC has to come up with $4.2 billion to fund those sanctuary policies. That’s going to crimp the budget. It will probably raise the tax rates. The results of Leftist policies will destroy all who adopt them. It is true each time, every time we listen to the Siren’s song. Just think about it.

New York City, San Francisco, and Seattle are turning into violent, crime-ridden dumps. The Mayor is wrong about the racism charge but right in understanding their cities are in trouble. Knowing you are in trouble isn’t the same thing as doing the right things to fix it… is it?



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