If Coffee is Systemically Racist, Then so Is the Democrat Party - Granite Grok

If Coffee is Systemically Racist, Then so Is the Democrat Party

spilled coffee paper cup Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

There’s an article by someone somewhere on the internet (no duh!) about coffee and how it is racist. They say that it is a drink by black people for black people that has become a pillar of white supremacist capitalism.

The article “looks” at a history of abuse regarding coffee as a commodity and a beverage and declares that white supremacy is built-in. So, just like the Democrat party?

But no one mentions the Democrat party.

“The first coffees exported to North America and Europe were harvested by slaves,” Johnson wrote. “Later, enslaved Africans prepared and served coffees for their slave owners, when they were not laboring in the fields.” …

White supremacy is built into the foundation of the coffee industry. The global coffee economy was created through colonialism …

It’s not just that Black folks cannot afford specialty coffee, but the very acceptance of the term “specialty coffee” suggests that some coffee is somehow superior to others, an idea that is rooted in whiteness.  …

And if you put milk in your coffee, you are doubling down on racism. Milk is also racist (almond milk too?).

Or maybe not.

Africans are still enslaving Africans. Islam, completely ignored in most stories about historical slavery, murdered or enslaved millions. People whose lands were colonized by the armies of Allah. Places where non-believers were treated like dirt, if allowed to live at all.

So, slavery is not a white thing. It is a human nature thing. So is the idea of superiority.

The article mentions great accomplishments by blacks, like the pyramids, built by brown people for brown people, who were essentially gods. Talk about a superiority complex.

Travel forward from there in history to the American slave trade, and it ends and begins with southern plantation Democrats who defended the right to enslave blacks to the death. A group whose political party enacted laws to subvert freedoms when they were finally gained. That disarmed black Americans terrorized them, treated them like animals, and even lynched them.

And today, we can look at Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or Patrisse Cullors of BLM. They have each used blacks to get rich, while their supporters destroyed Black businesses, neighborhoods, and even lives in “the interest” of black people.

And most if not all of them are Democrats.

Every Democrat-run urban area in the US includes political leaders who are black, enriched, and empowered at the expense of, for lack of a better term, their own people; folks trapped in poverty and forced to live in crime-riddled neighborhoods. Different plantations but the same systemic superiority.

Modern-day Africa is filled with dark-skinned despots who deem themselves superior, living the high life on the pain and suffering of the lower classes. The same is true in parts of Central and South America.

People of color get rich off the labors of people of color by selling coffee beans to white people (or drugs or human beings).

Human and sex trafficking is slavery unless Jeffrey Epstein (a Democrat) does it.

In other words, being white has nothing to do with it, nor does coffee, a product whose global success may have been inevitable regardless of who found a way to get it to the world.

But if your head is far enough up you a**, you can be very specific about the sorts of racism you’d like to promote while completely ignoring every other kind. A thought process typical to the Democrat party, which, to this day, still believes it is superior to everyone else and is working diligently to enslave all of us under the boot of authoritarian rule, regardless of color.

If you are not paying attention, that’s what they mean by equity.


