What Are Nashua City Officials Doing With Your Tax Dollars?

Nashua residents should get more involved with what their city officials are doing with their tax dollars. They should also consider, the next time they vote for someone running for office, would this person actually represent what the Nashua taxpayer wants and not a political party.

We want to thank Laura Colquhoun for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you want us to consider, please submit it to skip@ or steve@granitegrok.com.

Hopefully, Nashua residents will start to open their eyes because if they were upset with a 4% increase this year, wait until next years’ bill comes in with an increase of 7.03% at a minimum.

At the Board of Aldermen meeting of June 23, 2020, Mr. John Griffin, Chief Financial Officer and Comptroller for the City of Nashua, submitted a memo to both the Board of Aldermen and the Mayor explaining how the Projected Tax Rate Increase for FY2022 would be 7.03%. I have enclosed a copy of this memo for all residents’ review.

Please note that the following items came in after Mr. Griffin’s submitted his email to the mayor and the Board of Aldermen:

· Loan for Pump Station Upgrades – Loan for $2,500,000 plus $3,025,000 interest

· Upgrades to Transit Center – no dollar amount given

· Loan for new Garage and additional funds for Performing Arts Center – $8,000,000 – interest has not yet been stated; however, the $21,000,000 has an interest of $10,000,000.

· Energy Performance Contract for two high schools is $9,100,000. This includes interest

· Loss of Revenue in overnight parking of between $225,000 to $250,000

· Purchase of 36 Buckmeadow Rd for $370,000. Mayor stated that this was included in the 110 Million Dollar bond for schools; however, it was NOT. It will come directly out of the taxpayers’ pockets.

· Purchase of 55 Franklin St for a school with a price tag of $1,825,000. This money is being spent even with a loss of approx—$ 3,200,000 in financial aid to the City of Nashua schools.

· Pennichuck Water – bonds went from $57,000,000 to $75,000,000. Nashua residents are on the hook for these bonds and will be charged every month, so be prepared for an increase in your water bills again.

· Pennichuck Water entered into an agreement with the City of Nashua for placing solar panels on Pennichuck’s land. The agreement did not disclose the amount Pennichuck needed to pay; however, the City of Nashua will waive all Real Estate taxes of Pennichuck property where panels are placed. The bottom line is that the Nashua taxpayers will lose the revenue from Pennichuck on these properties.

· The mayor has NOW informed the Nashua residents, at a Finance Committee, that all additional items for the Performing Arts Center will be paid directly by the Nashua taxpayers. Examples: Furniture, Audio/Visual Equipment, Security System, Furnishings, movable equipment, etc. This will cost the taxpayers MILLIONS.

So, as you can see, Nashuas’ residents better start holding the mayor and the Board of Aldermen accountable and start saving your pennies. Next year is going to be a killer!

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