It is amazing to me that at the same time the “Me Too Movement” was at its height, The Book 50 Shades of Gray, about a sociopathic power-driven millionaire abusing a willing female participant, was a best seller! Could this same dichotomy be in play between the legislative power brokers and the citizens of NH?
How To Judge Mayor Ruais’ Budget
Manchester’s new Mayor released his proposed budgets (city and school) yesterday (March 28th). What matters most in the school budget is whether it completely defunds the anti-white racism euphemistically called DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion).
Night Cap – Op-Ed In Support Of Kelly Ayotte for Governor
As we all know, Kelly Ayotte is running for Governor to keep NH Safe,Prosperous, and Free. That is why I support her 1000%. Her accomplishments include being the first and only female NH Attorney General, who was also reappointed Twice. She was also Deputy AG, Top murder prosecutor, US Senator, and the list goes on and on.
Nicole Shanahan, RFK Jr.’s Bad Choice for VP
Night Cap: Two Dangerous Bills Must Be Stopped
California and a few other states have already ended single-family zoning statewide. And that includes neighborhoods that were ALREADY single-family when people bought into them.
State Rep Damond Ford … Do Manchester Voters Have Any Clue?
He’s back. We previously covered State Rep Damond Ford in: State Rep Damond Ford Doesn’t Know Much About History and State Rep Damond Ford … You CANNOT Be Progressive And Pro-Israel and Rep Damond Ford: Heaven Is Only For Communists. But there is more. Damond Ford, just yesterday, back to spewing his Woke-Communist hate for Israel:
Rep Damond Ford: Heaven Is Only For Communists
I previously posted about Manchester DemocratWoke-Communist Rep Damond Ford’s problem (and “problem” may understate) with Israel: State Rep Damond Ford … You CANNOT Be Progressive And Pro-Israel and about how the “honest history” he wants taught in schools is actually a Woke-Communist rewrite of history: State Rep Damond Ford Doesn’t Know Much About History.
The State’s Janus-Faced Position in the YDC Cases
$100 million + of public funds plus resources of multiple state agencies are at stake. I urge you to consider the following and act accordingly to prevent further abuse of public trust and funds:
The attached article regarding the YDC child sex abuse claims and the parties involved contains statements regarding a “Janus-faced position”.
Ann Kuster Takes a ‘Stand’ on Immigration and Border Security (Queue Laughter)
Check out this email excerpt from Congresswoman Ann Kuster earlier this month about her support of the border – I think it’s pretty telling and hope she never gets re-elected (March 16, 2024):
We Have a Last Chance to Stop State-Sanctioned Suicide in the House
Act Now: ask your reps to vote YES on the reconsideration motion and vote NO on the Ought to Pass (OTP) motion for HB 1283.
New Hampshire Right to Life Urges State Senate & Governor to Oppose Assisted Suicide, HB1283
The New Hampshire House passed HB1283, also known as Assisted Suicide or Medical Aid in Dying, by a 179-176 vote this afternoon[0]. New Hampshire Right to Life (NHRTL) and a broad coalition of other organizations[1], staunchly oppose this legislation and call on the NH Senate and Governor to reject it.
State Rep Damond Ford … You CANNOT Be Progressive And Pro-Israel
I previously posted about State Rep Damond Ford (Communist – Manchester) Comm-washing the history of slavery in order to indoctrinate schoolchildren: State Rep Damond Ford Doesn’t Know Much About History. But there is more.
Interested in Running for Office?
Once again, we’re approaching the filing period for candidates to many elected offices, including State Representative. If you have ever considered running, we urge you to learn more and consider throwing your hat in the ring.
Night Cap: James F. McLaughlin and the New Hampshire Laurie List
I have followed various mailings, messages, and news articles regarding the NH Exculpatory Evidence Schedule (EES) (aka the “Laurie List”). Because I am a New Hampshire prisoner with no online access, I have been unable to respond to this matter, but I do so now with the help of an outside advocate.
Thousands of People, Several Communities, and Millions in Public Funds Are Affected.
Dear Merrimack County Attorney Paul Halvorsen, with Youth Detention Center civil and criminal cases on the horizon consuming over $100 million in public funds in addition to the costs of court time and resources in both criminal and civil procedures, I urge you to serve the public interest and investigate the concerns I presented to you last year.
A Long List of Problems with New Hampshire’s Assisted Suicide Bill (HB1283)
Proponents of HB1283 argue that, per a UNH survey, 71% of the people of NH were in favor of assisted suicide. After obtaining the survey and speaking with UNH, I found out that the NH Alliance for End-of-Life Options paid $1800 for the survey.
Should Americans Stop Paying Their Federal Income Tax Until the Open Border Crisis Resolves?
It is now common knowledge there is a wide spectrum of national security issues resulting from open borders and deliberate waves of mass migration. These issues have an economic and public safety impact on the USA and its taxpayers. The magnitude of this issue should bring into question the federal income tax.
Neoliberals, Neoconservatives, And RINOs, They are All Whigs!
How did America go from the foreign policy Thomas Jefferson stated in his inaugural address of 1801, “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none,” to Commodore Perry’s armed incursion into Japanese territory in 1853?
Liberty Forum is This Weekend – Get Your Tickets Today!
Manchester VA Whistleblower Part 3: Contact with Hassan, Shaheen, Pappas
“We’ve all heard the sensational stories of whistleblower retaliation in federal agencies, but I have the sense most potential whistleblowers get left in the dust of federal bureaucracy, with multiple oversight agencies passing complaints back and forth and little resolution.