Ann Kuster Takes a ‘Stand’ on Immigration and Border Security (Queue Laughter)

Check out this email excerpt from Congresswoman Ann Kuster earlier this month about her support of the border – I think it’s pretty telling and hope she never gets re-elected (March 16, 2024):

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“Last week, I wrote an op-ed in the Union Leader highlighting the essential role legal immigration plays in New Hampshire and beyond. [] [March 6, 2024]

There’s no question that our immigration system has been broken for decades. The situation at our borders is unacceptable. For too long, politicians in Washington [like her] have thrown up their hands and politicized the issue instead of … finding long-term, bipartisan solutions.

Leaving out present, emergency, short-term solutions by any party which we are crying for?

Real solutions are within reach.

Her citation to and support of the “Framework for Commonsense Immigration & Border Security Reform” does not reflect that assertion, nor does the partisanship in Congress, and is little more than a comprehensive spending plan –

We can increase funding and recruitment of Border Patrol agents to restore order.

Funding isn’t the problem, it’s the fact there is no wall – a strategy many countries use with success – and what about restoring order in the mainland 48 where the crimes are occurring daily?

We can improve technology at our ports of entry to strengthen drug interdiction.

Dog sniffers, which offer a lower-cost alternative and have the added advantage of being able to bite, might be more effective, e.g., the power goes out and the technology doesn’t work? What kind of tech are we talking about, massive machines or updates to existing ones?

We can expand the number of immigration judges … and give fast, fair, and final answers to asylum seekers.

Much better would be to hire lawyers on a contract basis rather than further bloat the cadre of permanent government employees which would happen with increasing CPB agents.

These commonsense steps will have a meaningful impact.

First, when? Second, you have not addressed deportation which you likely do not want to be bothered with. Third, your increased funding will increase taxes and inflation and further injure families and industries – not to mention increasing the wealth of Deep State.”


My conclusion is that she:

  1. has known since she has been in office of the situation at the border, known it is “unacceptable”;
  2. has politicized the border problem all the many years she has been in office;
  3. is addressing long-term solutions and therefore is cruelly disinterested in addressing the horrible crisis Americans are facing and suffering right now [she of course is not the only one];
  4. does not and/or is incapable of thinking beyond monetary solutions;
  5. is plainly incompetent not to mention the wall when talking of increased funding;
  6. reminds me of her comrades in the Biden/Democrat Administration not evacuating Americans in Afghanistan or in Haiti, the latter being brushed off, hiding behind their official warnings “we told you so, don’t go there” – the very warning given to nonessential personnel (families of diplomats), whom it did rescue. The FJB State Dept. blithely stated: “We have no higher priority than the safety and security of US citizens overseas” – but did nothing. In the words of Rep. Lisa McClain, R-MI: “Those stranded in war-torn Haiti were left hopeless and without options. The State Department’s answer was to sign up for a notification system and wait for alerts: They offered no real assistance, no opportunities to be rescued, and no plan whatsoever.” Congress is doing the same to us, making us wait for something, but what.
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