Night Cap: Two Dangerous Bills Must Be Stopped

California and a few other states have already ended single-family zoning statewide. And that includes neighborhoods that were ALREADY single-family when people bought into them.

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Email immediately and tell ALL Senators to VOTE NO on HB 1291, HB 1399, and your NH Reps to vote NO on SB 538. Email

These bills attack single-family neighborhoods and promote “new urbanism,” a movement based on the “climate change” agenda.

The HBs were heard before a ’special’ committee stacked with their own sponsors and rubber-stamped instead of being heard by the usual House Committee!

All three bills would be dangerous to single-family neighborhoods. Some Reps want to impose a top-down state-controlled “one-size-fits-all” approach to zoning as opposed to your voice and your vote. And they think this protects our rights! To the contrary, it removes our choices and lowers property values. As any realtor will tell you, the most important factor in the value of property is location, location, and location!

Attacking established neighborhoods is not going to remedy any “housing shortage”, which ultimately is not even the state’s responsibility.

One can only imagine why Republicans Reps Yokela, Osborne, Sweeney, and Alexander have fallen for this socialistic approach, which is similar to what is promoted by any number of left-wing NGOs such as @StrongTowns

Strong Towns stated mission is to “replace the Suburban Experiment.” was right: “It is interesting that those who scream the loudest about individual freedom and personal rights are so quick to take them away from others and do not see that as government overreach.”

Here are the 67 Reps who voted with Democrats to take away your property rights:

Republican Votes (67)

Alexander, Joe(R) Hills. 29
Ankarberg, Aidan(R) Straf. 7
Aures, Cyril(R) Merr. 13
Avellani, Lino(R) Carr. 4
Aylward, Deborah(R) Merr. 5
Bailey, Glenn(R) Straf. 2
Bean, Harry(R) Belk. 6
Berezhny, Lex(R) Graf. 11
Berry, Ross(R) Hills. 39
Burnham, Claudine(R) Straf. 2
Connor, James(R) Straf. 19
Costable, Michael(R) Carr. 8
Cushman, Leah(R) Hills. 28
Donnelly, Tanya(R) Rock. 25
Doucette, Fred(R) Rock. 25
Drago, Mike(R) Rock. 4
Dunn, Ron(R) Rock. 16
Gerhard, Jason(R) Merr. 25
Granger, Michael(R) Straf. 2
Griffin, Gerald(R) Hills. 42
Harb, Robert(R) Rock. 20
Harvey-Bolia, Juliet(R) Belk. 3
Hobson, Deb(R) Rock. 14
Hoell, J.R.(R) Merr. 27
Janigian, John(R) Rock. 25
Janvrin, Jason(R) Rock. 40
King, Bill(R) Hills. 43
Kofalt, Jim(R) Hills. 32
Ladd, Rick(R) Graf. 5
Lascelles, Richard(R) Hills. 14
Layon, Erica(R) Rock. 13
Leavitt, John(R) Merr. 10
Lekas, Alicia(R) Hills. 38
Lekas, Tony(R) Hills. 38
Lynn, Bob(R) Rock. 17
Mannion, Dennis(R) Rock. 25
Mannion, Tom(R) Hills. 1
Mazur, Lisa(R) Hills. 44
McConkey, Mark(R) Carr. 8
McDonnell, Valerie(R) Rock. 25
McGough, Tim(R) Hills. 12
McGuire, Carol(R) Merr. 27
McGuire, Dan(R) Merr. 14
McLean, Mark(R) Hills. 15
McMahon, Charles(R) Rock. 17
Moffett, Michael(R) Merr. 4
Murphy, Michael(R) Coos 6
Newton, Clifford(R) Straf. 6
Notter, Jeanine(R) Hills. 12
Osborne, Jason(R) Rock. 2
Perez, Kristine(R) Rock. 16
Phillips, Emily(R) Rock. 7
Polozov, Yury(R) Merr. 10
Popovici-Muller, Daniel(R) Rock. 17
Potucek, John(R) Rock. 13
Proulx, Mark(R) Hills. 15
Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine(R) Rock. 13
Quaratiello, Arlene(R) Rock. 18
Santonastaso, Matthew(R) Ches. 18
Smith, Jonathan(R) Carr. 5
Spillane, James(R) Rock. 2
Stone, Jonathan(R) Sull. 8
Sweeney, Joe(R) Rock. 25
Tenczar, Jeffrey(R) Hills. 1
Vose, Michael(R) Rock. 5
Wallace, Scott(R) Rock. 8
Yokela, Josh(R) Rock.


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