Londonderry has become a land where the people in power know better, whine if you challenge them or call them out, and then – get a load of this – are indifferent to the laws used to go after the outspoken few.
The Feudal Model of State-funded Education
I recently attended Ian Underwood’s presentation titled “Back to Schools” at the Sullivan County GOP Committee meeting, during which he argued coherently and consistently for separating the concerns of what to include in government-funded schools and what to exclude.
Outlaw the EPA in NH
Imagine a Mosquito at a nudist colony that knows what to do but doesn’t know where to start. Kudos to State Rep. Michael Granger and the five co-sponsors who know where to start! Introducing HB1294 to Nullify the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in NH will preserve state sovereignty and nullify (EPA) regulation enforcement.
Manchester VA Whistleblower Part 2: Federal Oversight of Manchester VA
“Report Wrongdoing.”
This is the message encouraging employees at the Manchester Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Medical Center to report violations of federal law, regulation, or policy. Several agencies are tasked with oversight of VA programs and investigation of complaints, including fraud, waste, abuse, and gross mismanagement.
Op-Ed: House Leadership?
Despite prompting from House Rs, the leadership refused to reconsider HB1212, which Republicans won and had ITL’d. That was the first of a waterfall of mistakes that cost big losses in the House for conservatives, solely due to inadequate House leadership.
Urgent Call to Action: Oppose HB1050-FN
HB1050-FN, which claims to wish to establish a voluntary waiver of the right to purchase firearms, is up for a floor vote this Thursday and needs your immediate attention. This bill poses a significant threat to our rights and freedoms, introducing measures that could potentially impact gun ownership and individual liberties broadly.
Has Mitch McConnell Massed Up Kelly Ayotte’s NH Gubernatorial Bid?
First, in case you have not been paying attention, Mitch McConnell and his allies backed the so-called “bipartisan” border bill NOT to secure the border (which it did not), but to take the issue away from Donald Trump and Republicans who support Trump.
One Thing You Can’t Count On: Your NH Vote Being Counted
For a long time now, the political leaders in this country have been trying to create a paradigm shift by removing the power from the people to make decisions and placing it nearly exclusively into their own hands. These are abuses of power that have for too long gone unchallenged by an apathetic and resigned citizenry.
Is the CIA Operating a Power Grab Behind the Front of MAXIMUS?
The CIA is in the news of late. What’s not in the news, and should be, is Maximus. The question is whether the CIA and Maximus are one and the same. Maximus Inc. is a Government Services Provider operating in the US, UK, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and Israel.
A Deep Dive Into the Future
January 1st, 2034, The Pacific Ocean somewhere near Hawaii: It had been ten years since Elon Musk realized colonizing Mars was not the answer to his deep concern regarding the survival of humanity. When his mind searched for an alternative answer, he took notice of how the people of Iceland had solved their energy problem.
Londonderry Town Manager Is Still Whining …
If you think a Town Meeting is an opportunity to show residents how hung up you are on the spanking you got (and deserved), welcome to Londonderry. Town manager Michael Malaguti is reported to have taken the opportunity to attack his detractors.
Never Stop Applauding … Or Else!
It’s appropriate that the 28th annual meeting of the United Nations Climate Summit is called the “Conference of Parties.” Each year, they have a party destroying the liberty of the American people.
Whistleblower: The Manchester VA is A Microcosm of Everything Wrong With the Federal Government
“I feel like I’ve stepped back in time.” An all-too-common phrase recited by almost every healthcare provider when they start working at the Manchester Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Medical Center after working in the private sector. We all joke about our period of “VA culture shock,” but when the fog clears, it becomes clear that something is very wrong.
Night Cap: How Corrupt is This?
In 2023, HB 44 was a defeated bill that threatened to turn certain single-family-zoned neighborhoods into rental nightmares. However, this year comes an even worse bill, HB 1291, to be heard by a House ‘Special’ Committee on Housing on February 16.
Public Education Choking Hooksett Taxpayers
Another chaotic confrontation took place at the Hooksett Town Meeting on Saturday. On both sides good folks were confronted with the reality that the school budget is choking taxpayers.
Deceptive Political Advertising Complaint
To whom it may concern: On February 5, 2024, the news site “In Depth New Hampshire” (for whom I have a great deal of respect – so this is not leveled at them as I believe they were unaware) published a “News Release” entitled “What to do about teen dating violence.”
Congress Trusts, I Don’t. Do You?
Senator Rand Paul, in his talk, Deception: The Great Covid Cover-up, at Hillsdale’s College Washington campus, exposes many revelations of unknown nefarious facts about the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and their major role in initiating gain-of-function research at Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Carol McGuire: Your State House
This week, my committee continued with public hearings. HB 1292 allows state retirees to include adult children up to age 25 in their health insurance, whether or not they are students; this is the same as the employee plan and private health plans. Since the parents pay the full cost for their dependents, the committee voted unanimously to recommend this bill.
Night Cap: Breaking News – Hooksett NH ‘Voters’ Cut $750K from the School Budget at Town Meeting …[Update]
Here’s a story that hasn’t even broken in the press yet. At Saturday’s Town Meeting in Hooksett, New Hampshire, someone advanced a motion to cut 750,00.00 dollars from the school budget, and it passed! Wait, there’s more.