Do They Really Believe We’re Going to Go Along With Their Delusion?

The only way to win this Cultural War into which we have been thrust is to CONTINUOUSLY force them to explain themselves. Take a word, take a phrase, and make them define it. And in many cases, it will expose the utter silliness of what they’re saying.

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Neopronouns lets just grunt

I’m Glad These Transgenders Have Now Taken it FAR too far! – “bun/bunself” and “kitten/kittenself”????

They’ve REALLY now put a target on their backs expecting rational people to put up with this latest schtick. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness – like “body integrity dysphoria” or “amputee identity disorder” (or in at least one case, “stare at the sun until I go blind” disorder).

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old drawing

Double-Plus Newspeak

Reprinted in its entirety from

We were reminded that democracy, as the founders warned, is fragile.” – J. Dennis Robinson

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Larger is the New Smaller

Suppose some people come to your home and tell you that, since you have too much money, and they don’t have enough, you have to give them some of yours; and if you don’t, they’ll hurt you.  If they do this regularly, they don’t even need to continue with the threats, since the ongoing threat is implied.

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They Purposely Misrepresent Your Point, and Fact-Check Their Misrepresentation

Both Facebook and Twitter do have us in their sights – and our traffic has taken hits because of that as they have throttled us. No matter, I’ve always maintained that I don’t write for the hits (although I’m happy to see them). I write about what either amuses or concerns me.

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AP Makes it Official – We’re Covering Up for the Rioters

This is a constant refrain from me – the Left is always trying to bastardize, redefine, and weaponize what used to be our common language to move their agenda forward. You name it, any word that’s now used in politics has a far different meaning to the Left than we Normals.

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Kindergarten Experts? Seriously?

Remember when a student who needed to repeat a grade in school would be ‘held back’, rather than promoted with the rest of his cohort?  Apparently there’s a new term for that:  ‘Expert’.

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