Are These Your New Hampshire Values? The Lee Nyquist Edition

Democrat Lee Nyquist is a New Hampshire Democrat running for the State Senate in District 9.    Nyquist has embraced the Democrat state party narrative in which every Democrat from Shea-Porter and McKluster (running for congress), all the way down to every “Democrat running for anything” is running against the TEA Party.

As part of this fiction Nyqusist claims he is for “New Hampshire Values not TEA Party values.”  That’s what the ad says.  But anyone who knows how Democrats govern (and how they governed New Hampshire)  would be right to ask how thier  “Big Government tax and spend Massachusetts Values” could ever be passed off as New Hampshire values?

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“In hindsight it may even seem inevitable that a socialist society will starve when it runs out of capitalists.”  —Larry Niven


How does one become an Occupy Wall Street Protestor? A quest for understanding in a somewhat complicated topic. Why? Because there are some who seem to demonstrate a modicum of intelligence and articulate usage of the language when the camera is rolling. And, there are some who dress reasonably normal (normal meaning, no obvious hygiene challenges, maintaining a groomed appearance). Those folks are in the vast minority. And certainly it would not be an accurate statement to say these slackers are all “youth generational.” The camera has caught some old enough to be peers of my parents.

But the task at hand is an immediate one. How do I blend in? How do I become an OWS protestor. I suppose I should start with something superficial. Ah yes! you say, “Things aren’t always as they appear.” and how right one might be to make such a characterization. But any good leftist will tell you, honesty is a relative term. “Your views are your views.”  Kind of akin to calling people racists because they don’t like Obama… Yet, when it is pointed out that these same “racists” like Herman Cain, the argument shifts to, “you only like him because he gives your racism cover.” Rank dishonesty is the domain of the left. And outward appearance is what we first see from our friends in the lame stream media.

As a segue into my OWS protestor journey, I neither shave nor shower for an extended period of time. (if I wish to wholly embrace this slacker look, I don’t brush my teeth, either..If a casual observer spies a chive stuck in my teeth when I smile, I have arrived) It is important to engender that, “rail against the establishment” appearance. Smelling ones’ own smell, is sufficient validation one has achieved parity with the OWS appearance.

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Meet Terie “Billion Dollar Deficit” Vu.

NH Journal is reporting more fear-mongering from the left, and from the usual suspects. Teri “Billion Dollar Deficit” Norelli (D- scaring women and children), is promising us that the Republican Budget will ‘put peoples lives at risk.

Political Incivility is Not the New Hampshire Way

“Political Incivility is Not the New Hampshire Way” is the title of Jeanne Shaheen’s Op-Ed in the Morning Sunday News. I can only assume she is not familiar with her own State Democrat Party leadership, some of the people who have helped her get elected like Kathy Sullivan, and others; people who are on the record saying any number of uncivil things.

Union Thuggery -Coming Soon To A State House near You.

WI ThugsI was just thinking back to all the loose talk from the left about ending the gun ban in the New Hampshire State House.  How they imagined someone just unloading over testimony supporting same sex marriage–to use one example–kids getting cut down in the cross-fire.  And how they fell over themselves trying to scare parents into keeping their children from ever visiting the place because it was now just too dangerous.

Then I look at the way the union run leftists in Wisconsin are acting.  How they are storming the state house, climbing in through windows, and forcing people to flee for fear of their well being.  These pro-union forces are pushing against state troopers trying to get past them.  Maybe being let in by union cops.  Just because they demand the ability to collectively bargain for benefits (not wages–they still have that privilege as far as I know.)

What is perhaps more instructive is that the left in New Hampshire supports them.  I’d bet money you will not hear a peep in opposition to any of this from the state leadership of the democrat party.  Nothing about State Senators running away like spoiled children.  Nothing about the hate speech, the Hitler signs, the threats or the aggressive mob tactics and intimidation.  They support that–and by their own rules support it through their silence.

So what of it?

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Dear New Hampshire Democrat Party…

Given you gentle spleens when it comes to matters of incivility, we on the right would like you to comment on this email, sent by pro union left wing forces, to elected Republican legislators in Wisconsin.

Newt Gingrich – Car Bomber

Chris Matthews being himself–and sorry in advance.  No one should really have to have breakfast and then see Chris Matthews demonstrate civility, but this is just too funny.

At about 50 seconds Matthews, who can’t help himself, announces that Newt ‘looks like a car bomber.’

Some clarification ensues but why bother.  That’s probably the media sound bite of the day.  Unless you want to listen to Michael Moore explain why Rich people’s money belongs to eveyone. (That’s on the jump.)



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Wisconsin Gold

In just a few days the unions and democrats gathering in Wisconsin have provided us with a treasure trove. They have bussed in AstroTurf with connections to the White House, backing the big business unions, bearing more Hitler signs in a few miles than since Hilter was alive.

“Retard” Makes A Comeback

In a moment of honesty, John Gage, the head of the American Federation of Government Employees Union (AFGE), calls elected officials who want to cut government pay “Mentally Retarded.”

Granite State Progress Goes Tucson

This week I did a call-in because last week Zandra Rice Hawkins of Granite State Progress attended Congressman Guinta’s town hall in Laconia, and at one point decided to storm up towards the podium to ‘set the record straight.’ She was not tackled, tasered or shot. In fact she spoke her mind–as liberals are wont to do–without interruption and was even given a chance to ask questions despite essentially hijacking the event.

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