Yup, Elwood over at Blue Hampshire is trying to be oh, so sophisticated about it. Just in case they try to walk it backwards, I scraped it – see after the jump.
The police are describing him as "troubled". Here, they are saying that Jared Loughner is NOT a TEA Partier, NOT a conservative, NOR Right Wing but a Left Wing Liberal. In fact, as I re-posted here, one of this whack job’s favorite books are:
- Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx (no Right Winger)
- Mein Kampf by Adolph Hitler (no Right Winger, as he started the Nationalist Socialist party)
From the early reports I have seen, however, I think the major problem with him is not that he is Liberal but that he has severe mental problems, and that the politics are a red herring (whether or not it turns out that he as Left, Right, or somewhere else).
Oh Yeah, elwood (ranting before all the facts – sure, why not?):
6. America is threatened by a loosely organized mob of bitter and irrational people who pull secondary triggers. They ratchet up hateful rhetoric – the Obama / Joker posters are one example, the Palin crosshair ads are another, the "Second Amendment remedies" language of GOP Senate nominee Sharon Angle is another.
7. "Guns don’t kill people." And by that same logic, lone nuts don’t. The real trigger is the hate-filled apocalyptic rhetoric. The real gun is the lone nut. The real assassin is the angry, self-righteous mob.
8. New Hampshire has become a playground for this mob.
What was that line from Star Wars? Oh yeah: "nice going, hairball". Wait for the info, the facts (you do claim to be from the "reality based community", right?), before immediately lashing out. Look, the Army rejected him, he’s been in legal problems before, it seems that he may be delusional.
Making political points on the back of a someone suffering from mental problems? Yeah, real compassionate, elwood. Good judgment call, that.
Sick people are sometimes just that – sick. If true, elwood deserves the opprobrium his words warrant. Again, if he is competent to stand trial, classify him not as political but just plain evil.
Update: What is with these Blue Hampsters? Do they think / dream evil all day long? One person who is sick, also of Blue Hampshire, is Mike Hoefer is just dreaming his number one scenario:
AND! Imagine what would have happend if a gunman did this in the State House the envisioned by the NH Republican Party.
… Tragedy in Concord NH today as several lawmakers and members of the gallery returned fire when a distraught gunman opened fire on on a young woman testifying on behalf of Mariage Equity. A third grader from Keene on a field trip to the capitol was caught in the crossfire and is in critical condition at Concord Hospital… Stay tuned for more information as it become available…
I sit here in just about disbelief. Then I remind myself: Blue Hampshire – it fits. The actual picture that is being painted as people dig for facts is one of severe mental problems – with politics involved as a manifestion – LIBERAL politics, if the report above is to be believed (and being "early info", let’s wait and see on that too).
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