Ryan Terrell

NH Executive Council Democrat votes on Ryan Terrell: Bigots and Racists

So much for your Collective Wailing About Oppressed Minorities, eh Executive Councilors Volinsky, Pignatelli, and Cryans? Your vote on Ryan Terrell yesterday was proof that the Civil War / Jim Crow Southern Democrat racists are alive today in NH. All we’ve heard since the death of George Floyd have been Democrats saying that this needs … Read more

Blogline of the Day: So how DO Progressives handle “cisspecies birds and bees”????

Progressive parents sit their kid down for a talk about the birds and the bees and the birds who want to become bees and the bees who identify as birds and buckle up, this might take a while. Click on the link – it is rather amusing. (H/T: Instapundit)

THe Patriot Initiative Logo - new

So, Democrats Silenced Josh Moore and his Patriot Initiative Site?

With regard to GraniteGrok and various Facebook pages, and groups the Democrats have made it clear. Say things we don’t like and we will try to shout or shut you down. And they’d prefer the latter. Speak against their agenda and they will destroy you if they can.

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Just Tell Them To Kiss Your ….Donkey

Kiss My...A few weeks ago the NHDP mounted what they would call (if a Republican did it)a smear campaign.  It was against Bob Guida, and it was for being honest.  I know, that’s probably what threw them but that’s not why they dropped the arugula or spilled their latte in a mad dash for the keyboard.  Bob, bless his heart, had the gall to suggest that “Marriage Equality" was the root of all evil, and also said that single mothers were the result of a breakdown of marriage.

That’s Bob’s opinion.  How refreshing.

Meanwhile, the digital ditch diggers and ditch fillers over at the NHDP–proper Keynesian’s that they are–felt the need to dust off an old standard (not terribly forwarding looking or progressive of them by the way) and wave it in the direction of Mr. Guida.  It’s the "we demand an apology" and "the GOP should denounce this or they are all agreeing with it" meme.   In response, the GOP and Mr. Guida did almost exactly the right thing.  They paid almost no attention whatsoever. 

So why bring it back up?  Because they didn’t do ‘exactly the right thing.’

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samir shabazz
samir shabazz

If we were to do a documentary on the New Hampshire Democrat Party we could call it Shabazz!


It’s a story about a bunch of mostly pasty white liberal crackers in a left wing political party and their fun dysfunctional family-like foibles as they endlessly play the race, hate, and bigot cards for political gain while calling any objection to their polices a smear campaign. But one day, while funneling out of state gay-activist money through in-state PACs (and into their own greedy little hands) they are confronted with actual hate and racism from someone associated with their own party named Shabazz. They institute an immediate media blackout, making sure there is no commentary to be found anywhere from any of them on a matter of actual hate and racism.

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