
samir shabazz
samir shabazz

If we were to do a documentary on the New Hampshire Democrat Party we could call it Shabazz!


It’s a story about a bunch of mostly pasty white liberal crackers in a left wing political party and their fun dysfunctional family-like foibles as they endlessly play the race, hate, and bigot cards for political gain while calling any objection to their polices a smear campaign. But one day, while funneling out of state gay-activist money through in-state PACs (and into their own greedy little hands) they are confronted with actual hate and racism from someone associated with their own party named Shabazz. They institute an immediate media blackout, making sure there is no commentary to be found anywhere from any of them on a matter of actual hate and racism.

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What No False Outrage?

Just a few days ago Kathy Sullivan set the standard by which comments of a potentially racist nature must be judged by people associated with those who make them.  She said they…  …should denounce this racist crap immediately,”.. “True patriots don’t countenance racism, and if you don’t denounce it, you are countenancing it. They should … Read more

Liberal Pride

The New Hampshire Liberal Pride (NHLP)  group lead by Ray Buckley and Kathy Sullivan, sometimes referred to by its front name The New Hampshire Democrat Party-an organization funded by prominent left wing donors from all over the country–have not yet taken to burning giant cardboard tea-cups on peoples lawns but that could begin any day now.  … Read more

On Message, Off Target

Liberals hide  behind a façade of generosity erected by the federal mandates they cherish, glued together with other peoples confiscated property.   Sometimes, when they are not too busy telling each other how compassionate they are with the fruit of your labors, they peek around the facade they have erected, lift the DNC filtered-Left wing sanctioned … Read more

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