Parliment of Whores Update – ‘Fore’ More Years

The lefts parliament of whores has convened in Charlotte and two important things happened.  First, Charlotte’s collective IQ dropped 70 points.  Second, they want four more years. Of what? Adding another six trillion to the national debt? Another 48 months of unemployment over 8%? Median income dropping another $4,000.00? 47 million people on food stamps? … Read more

Upcoming Obama Portsmouth Visit Angers Parents -Schools Will Have To Close [Updated]

Obama visit to Portsmouth NH will cause schools to closePortsmouth has announced that it will cancel school on Friday to accommodate President Obama’s visit.  The presence of dear leader will clog up traffic, block roads, and result in building closures so the district has thrown in the towel.  They will have to make the day up In May.

This is not a decision in a vacuum.  When kids stay home adults have to rearrange their lives.  Work, appointments, the added cost for unplanned day care if they can’t change plans or skip work when Obama stops buy to campaign, it all adds up.  Not that Obama gives a damn.  His campaign isn’t going to pay for any of the other costs his campaign appearances force upon local tax-payers.  Campaign appearances….paid for by taxpayers.

Has anyone estimated how much the campaign stop will cost the city of Portsmouth?

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In Honor of the Democrat National Convention…

Democrat goals and communist goals are one and the same
Democrat goals and communist goals- one and the same?

Narcissus Obama has summoned his parliament of whores and they are already binging and purging.   So what better time than now to post a list presented to Congress in 1963.  It is a list of 45 goals of the Communist party.

Most of these communist goals are and have long been the goals or ideals of the current Democrat party in America.

And this is not a coincidence.  One of those goals was to take over one or both political parties.  They took over one already, and the are meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina all week.

Remember, this is a list from 1963.  Looking at it from 2012, it is hard to suggest that the left has not been both very busy, and very successful.

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Sore Loser Syndrome?

New Hampshire Democrat Convention Attendees…Don’t Forget Your Photo ID

Photo-ID-RequiredAnyone from New Hampshire who plans on attending the Democrat National Convention had best be prepared to show some ID.   That’s right, no elderly, young, poor, or vulnerable persons, you know the ones the Democrats claim will be prevented from voting if we ask them to show an ID at the polls, will be allowed to attend the Democrat National Convention…because according to Democrats at least…they do not have it and it is simply to much of a burden for them to get it.

So Democrats have intentionally excluded them from participating in their Convention.

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From the UK Mail Online…because you wont read this in the US media without left wing spin… President Barack Obama was today forced to announce he will fly to storm-hit Louisiana on Monday – hours after Mitt Romney beat him to the punch by deciding to head there this afternoon.  But the Republican presidential candidate … Read more

How About That “Non-Existent Voter Fraud” Meme…or something

Donna Schlachman writing an opinion piece in Seacoast Online, says she asked New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner (last year) about voter fraud and….

I learned that actual cases of fraud are practically non-existent. Even last year’s staged attempt to prove that people can vote illegally in N.H. was unsuccessful. It turns out that the risk of denying legitimate voters their right to cast a ballot is far greater than the risk of someone voting here who does not live here.

Well guess what?  If the State refused to charge anyone with burglary, actual cases of that would be non-existent as well.

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One Holder DoJ Witch Hunt Comes To A Close

Sheriff Joe Arpaio went after local corruption, and thumbed his nose at the Feds, so they tried to make an example of him.  But if there is a Joe you don’t mess with it’s the Sheriff of Maricopa county Arizona.

The DOJ initiated a number of investigations from abuse of power to charges of the Sheriff’s office misusing credit cards.  The end result?

All charges dropped.  And the local US Attorney…even she appears to be trying to back away from the whole thing.

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Marshall ‘Lee’ Quandt Want’s To Be The Next Republican Speaker of the NH House…

Rumor has it that Marshall ‘Lee’ Quandt want’s to be the next Republican Speaker of the New Hampshire House……which is a huge problem, because Lee Quandt is not exactly a Republican to begin with.

Despite that barrier, and a public opposition to liberty, the scuttlebutt is that RINO Marshall ‘Lee’ Quandt still thinks he’d make a great speaker of the House, and he is already trying to build a coalition, and publicly endorsing other House Republican candidates who have told him they would back his move once the House meets to choose the next Speaker.

This is disturbing for several reasons.

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Based on the quote from GOP VP Candidate Paul Ryan’s convention speech, BKeyser gives us this image.

Hopeless BKeyser

And then there’s the Ad from Crossroads…on the jump

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Demobrats (Updated and Bumped)

[Update:  Romney left the Republican convention and headed…to Louisiana, to survey the situation.  Obama… had all week to go…still aint been.  Still too busy running for president to be the President.] Louisiana is getting pummeled by Hurricane Issac.  President Obama has chosen to be on a three state campaign tour begging for a second term … Read more

Progressive Zombie

I’m certain Fergus Culllen and I disagree on a great many things, but I have to admit — I like this editorial in the Union Leader: Liberal Jackie Cilley, Progressive Zombie.   He writes some unknown truths about Democrat Candidate for Governor Jackie Cilley, the accidental State Senator, offering up some insight into things she … Read more

Stingy Old People Who Are Stupid

I can only guess how Democrat State Senate candidate Lee Nyquist’s campaign manger reacted to Clint Eastwood’s speech at the Republican National Convention.  That campaign manager, Kevin Hodges, (batting coach for the New Hampshire Democrat party), had nothing kind to say about Republicans long before his invocation to beat them with a bat; particularity those who are as old as Clint Eastwood who is eighty-two.  And Eastwood’s party registration, whatever it may be, is of no consequence.  To Kevin ‘Awesome Cool Hodges’ he is probably just another one of those..

“…stingy old people who are stupid.”

That was his opinion of Republicans in the New Hampshire House back in April 2010, not long before his cool and awesome self got benched by the voters.  But he’s back, helping Democrat Lee Nyquist run on a campaign to ‘Bring Civility back to Concord,’  which is extremely humorous considering Nyquist can’t even bring civility to his own campaign.

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About All That Ron Paul Business…

I’m not following the story about the minority faction of Ron Paul delegates to the RNC.  I don’t watch debates or conventions…it’s easier to wait for the highlight reels.  But I see updates on Facebook and email threads on the topic and I have two thoughts.

First, it is obvious that for months the Ron Paul supporters have been plotting to get their guy the nomination anyway, even though he didn’t get enough national delegates to guarantee him a speaking spot.  They have been begging delegates to vote Ron Paul for months. But the problem with Ron Paul is not Ron Paul at all, it is his supporters, and it always has been…which brings me to point two.

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Rand Paul at the RNC –

Trying to squeeze in speeches as time allows.  Condi Rice, Susana Martinez, and this guy.  Someday, if no one screws it up for him, this guy would probably make a good president.  

Seminar Callers on Immigration

I put on talk radio when I’m going to be too busy to do any reading at lunch.  Thanks to declining hearing I miss most of it anyway, but today I caught a caller on the Rush Limbaugh program who was concerned that the speakers at the RNC were not addressing the issue of immigration, … Read more

Read My Lips…

Not to put too fine a point on it, if “point” is even the correct word, but do you know any women who base the scope of their human rights on their labia?  I don’t.

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There Are No Republicans For Obama

There are no Republicans for ObamaBack in 2008, and I may have shared this story before, I was discussing with a longtime friend my conclusion that then candidate John McCain was not really a ‘Republican.’  He could not understand why so I asked my baptist minister friend…”there are a lot of ‘interpretations’ of Christianity, and for the most part each is reasonably accepting of the others…but isn’t there a point at which what it is they are “practicing” is no longer Christianity?”  He said yes.  I said, “OK, same with being a “Republican.”

Believing in abortion, global warming, stifling paid political speech (to name a few) and…most importantly, the very strong belief that the federal government must regulate things from a central location, to mandate policy to the states and the people from on high….that is what progressives and socialists do, no matter what they call themselves.  That is not what it means to be a Republican.  We have a different party for people who think that way.  They are called Democrats.

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Obama Dumber Than Dan Quayle

Tim posted this on media bias, but there are parts too good to leave to the chance that you’ll follow the link to IBD (which you should.) It wasn’t like he (Quayle) repeated the mistake in all 57 states, or more precisely in Beaverton, Ore., in May 2008; or while traveling on the “Intercontinental” railroad … Read more

Mia Love…”We Built It.”

As a suitable followup to my post on there being no Republicans for Obama, here is Conservative Republican Mayor Mia Love (running for the US House in Utah), on the American Story and how “we built it.” (c/o Hot Air)  

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