The Disingenuous Misrepresentation of Free Speech

“Paint me” like one of your Trotskyite ‘girls.’ “…from time to time, American colleges and universities are subject to witness hate speech or activity that is disguised as free speech. Such has been the case in recent weeks at several colleges and universities in San Antonio and throughout Texas. As members of the Higher Education Council … Read more

NH Democrats Still Want To Limit Free Speech

Government can do nothing without first denying someone of their legally earned income, so this bill established that it was acceptable for 51% of those doing the taxing to define what constituted free speech. When that happens free speech is no longer a protected right, it is a legislated privilege regulated by a democratic mobocracy.

Free speech on campus? Not so fast…

. In this previous post, I reported on a story from the University of Rhode Island concerning free speech on campus being replaced with "coerced" speech. After offering the "WHAM Scholarship (White Heterosexual American Male) during its "Coming Out Conservative Week", that campus’ College Republicans group, chaired by Ryan Bilodeau, found itself in hot water. … Read more

If You Are Tired of The Left’s Parentalism Call Them Out On It

As advocates for inherent or inalienable, natural rights, the things government shall not infringe, we find the increasing censorship, the narratives about pre-bunking, misinformation, and disinformation … disqualifying characteristics for anyone pursuing public office. It is parentalism, and it needs to stop.

BLM Portland Arson Riots Protests YouTube Screen Grab

Thanks to Colorado NH Republicans Can Sweep Every Federal Race in 2024

Mr. Trump was very clear on January 6th about proceeding to the Capitol to engage in a peaceful and patriotic protest. Whether you believe what followed resulted from planted federal agents inciting the crowd or just the crowd, it hardly matters. Nothing about it was an Insurrection, but since Democrats insist, let’s play along.

Students teacher classroom

What Every Parent Needs to Know for Back-To-School …

It is Back to School time across the country. Thousands of students will be returning to the classroom in the next few weeks to begin the 2023-24 school year. In addition to preparing our students to return to school, filling out a million forms, buying that perfect backpack and stocking up on glue sticks, colored … Read more

The Transgender Policy JBAB Hunt: This Time, It’s Milford

Someone asked me to look into this a bit ago – another School District believing it could override the US and NH Constitution and numerous court decisions. It’s the same problem I fought for over two years and finally won in having my School Board.

Unofficial reddit Bard logo

Hey A.I. – Who has more Rights: Parents or LGBT people? Part 2

So, we left off with Bard  throwing in with the Left in declaring words (sex) can be redefined at any time for political ideology (“gender identity”). And Speech Coercion by Government is a fine thing for Government to tell us how to speak and think: Yes, a transgender student has the right to be called … Read more

Jordan Peterson screen grab YouTube

“Show This to the Stupid and Nutless NHGOP”

A reader sent me a clip from a John Stossel interview with Jordan Peterson. It’s a short clip, just over six minutes, but it covers two crucial points, one of which they thought might be useful to New Hampshire’s State Republican Party.

Hilliard City School Im here LGBT badges Tennesee Star

Teachers: I’m Here to Coach You on Your LGBT Sexuality and We Won’t Tell Mom or Dad and More! – Stack of Stuff #37

Once again, a round up of what teachers and school administrators are doing to your children and ACTIVELY going “shhhh – it’s our secret!”. As always, some reformatting and emphasis mine Parents Sue Hilliard School District over Indoctrination and LGBTQ ‘I’m Here’ Badges The removal of staff-worn LGBTQ badges is being demanded by a number of parents … Read more

The definition please

So, Can You Define It?

What is a woman? Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson knew but didn’t dare say, not exactly a good start for someone elevated to the highest court in the land where meaning is everything. So, what is a woman?

Dr. James Lindsay

Montpelier: Counter-Woke Firebrand Dr. James Lindsay and Recent First Amendment Champion Nick Merriweather

The banquet hall at the Capitol Plaza & Conference center was nearly full for the 6 pm speaking session featuring counter-woke firebrand Dr. James Lindsay and recent First Amendment champion Nick Merriweather. Drinks and somewhat lively conversation filled the air as concerned parties shared stories and ideas in anticipation of the evening’s presenters. One Burlington … Read more