I’m From the Government... I’m Here to Help

What President Trump needs to do to control health care costs.

It is universally accepted that Americans pay at least 30% more for their healthcare versus the rest of the world and have the same or worse outcomes. Excluding government programs this 30% amounts to approximately $500 billion per year. Efforts to rein in this massive excess have failed miserably. It is time to think out … Read more


The Merits of Working in Healthcare

When you are considering changing career paths or deciding what to study at college, you need to decide what you would like from your job. This article maps out the joys of choosing a healthcare career path. Weighing up financial benefits against enjoyment, or reliability against excitement is not an issue when you are considering … Read more

NH World War II Museum Declares Itself a Gun-Free Zone

For many reasons these days, members of The Greatest Generation are likely rolling in their graves. Over the past few decades, the Left has infected our country with a blight of Socialism, Marxism and absolute anti-Americanism not seen since the early 1900s. WWII veterans gave their youth, their health and their lives to free us … Read more

The World’s Red Tide and How to Keep It Out of New Hampshire

BY Rodger Paxton Even though some research studies make you say “We knew that already!”, our side can use them as indisputable evidence against the horrors of big government. Living under communism makes countries poorer and less healthy for decades, according to a recent landmark study. Researchers testing historical connections between cultures found that whether a … Read more

And WHY does the US continue to fund this band of World Govt wannabees?

UN health agency spends more on travel than on AIDS and malaria combined. According to the Associated Press, the WHO routinely has spent about $200 million a year on travel expenses—more than what it spends to fight AIDS and hepatitis ($70.5 million), tuberculosis ($59 million), and malaria ($61 million) combined. At a time when the … Read more

Another Summer of Our Health Care Discontent

In all likelihood the US Supreme court will deal a mortal blow to Obama-care, the Patient Affordable Health Care and Socialism for All or Something Act before they go on recess for the summer.  Progressives being who they are, and seeing as this is an election year, will only view this as another opportunity to … Read more

About those healthcare “costs”– Part 2. The Empire Strikes Back

    . Last week I posted a piece about Hillary Clinton visiting Laconia and having a private meeting with the leaders of the local health-care monopoly. I wrote: As they lament rising costs that hurt "little people", do you suppose anyone will ask why the LRGHealthcare CEO’s salary rose nearly $134,000 in the span of … Read more

WHO World Health Organization

The Sexual Predators of the WHO

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus recently complained about the citizens who are skeptical about ceding national sovereignties and individual rights to his global agency under the pending expansion of WHO powers through a revised Pandemic Treaty and accused them of spreading disinformation.

WHO Logo

Night Cap: Who Trusts the WHO?

The WHO (World Health Organization) took center stage during the COVID pandemic as the global coordinator of effective response. Questions about the organization’s proper role – and competence – preceded and now survive the COVID-19 crisis. Was the WHO effective and apolitical in its response, and can it be trusted with its global medical preeminence?

Carbon Dioxide, Hamburgers, and Fukushima Fish

China recently banned the importation of Japanese seafood, claiming current releases of decade-old wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant threaten citizens’ health. US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emmanuel was diplomatically dispatched to publicly eat Japanese fish to combat China’s claims.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Macon Bacon Mascot

Baseball Players Knock “Woke Doc” Outta Da Park!

A sanctimonious “expert” is attempting to “Doc-splain” to their lessers the need to change their summer collegiate baseball team name because it’s “unhealthy.” I guess this Doc forgot that college “kids” are a rambunctious bunch.

Is Pride Month Doomed?

Some in the LGB community can probably see it coming. What used to be an expression – albeit a bit oversexualized – of pride in an alternative lifestyle choice has been hijacked. The T and the Q are in the driver’s seat, and the party bus is headed for a cliff.