Ladies Only Range Day shows women’s growing interest in firearms

On Sunday the Grafton County Fish and Game Association in West Lebanon held their 3rd Annual Ladies Only Range Day (L.O.R.D.). It’s a ladies only event where ladies can shoot pistols and revolvers, rifles, shotguns and this year they added archery. Many of the women who attend have never shot a firearm; some have shot … Read more

NH Senate Dems Vote to Criminalize Law-Abiding Citizens and Harm Women

Today, the New Hampshire Senate voted on four pieces of destructive gun control legislation that do nothing but criminalize law-abiding citizens, especially women. Senate Democrats wasted no time in voting for some of the most destructive gun control legislation, supported by their funder, NYC billionaire Michael Bloomberg that New Hampshire has ever seen. First up … Read more

Bloomberg Democrats Vote to Make NH Less Safe, Especially for Women

Yesterday, New Hampshire Democrats, fully funded by New York City billionaire Michael Bloomberg and other out-of-state gun control organizations, voted on two different gun control measures, written by out-of-state organizations. The first is House Bill 109 (HB 109), AN ACT requiring background checks for commercial firearms sales. This legislation is written by a California gun control organization … Read more

Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire Statement on the ‘Pearl Controversy’ and Deflection from Dangerous Red Flag Bill

WOMEN EMPOWERING WOMEN FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  CONTACT FOR INFORMATION: President Kimberly Morin, March 7, 2019 Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire Statement on the ‘Pearl Controversy’ and Deflection from Dangerous Red Flag Bill Concord, NH – The Women’s Defense League of NH strongly condemns out-of-state activists deflecting a debate on the merits of HB … Read more

Subdued Women’s March Was Really an ANTI-Women’s Rights Rally

Today in Concord, Planned Parenthood sponsored the Women’s March along with a list of ‘Who’s Who’ of left-wing organizations in New Hampshire.  The emcee made a point at the beginning of the rally that their group, March On, was not related to the national Women’s March organization that has been riddled with accusations of anti-Semitism, … Read more

New Citigroup Policy Prohibits Sales of Firearms to Individuals Under 21 Years of Age

Citigroup has chosen virtue signaling. I wonder how many customers (or retailers) this will cost them? Citigroup announced that it will “require new retail sector clients or partners to adhere to …. restrict the sale of firearms for individuals under 21 years of age.” They will not permit their financial services (credit cards) to be accepted for the … Read more

Women’s March: I’m EMBARRASSED for my Gender

Yesterday women across the country and even in some parts of the world put on pink ‘p*ssy’ hats and behaved like little ‘Veruca Salts’ because Hillary Clinton wasn’t elected. The ‘Women’s March’ was an embarrassing display of idiocy, hypocrisy and ignorance by mostly white women who clearly need therapy. These women weren’t actually protesting ANYTHING. … Read more

Women Avoids Abduction With Loaded Handgun

In 2004 Ohio began issuing Concealed Carry permits.  In 2012 they issued 76,810 permits.  In 2013 that number rose to 145,342 (which includes renewals). Then there’s this story… An Ohio woman who is licensed to carry a gun but had only recently started carrying one for protection put it to good use earlier this week. … Read more

Dartmouth College Under Investigation Over It’s War On Women

The Federal Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights has launched an investigation of 55 Universities, including Dartmouth College.   Why?  The statistically exorbitant number of sexual assaults on campus, and the apparent failure of the universities in question to do anything serious about them, creates a sexually discriminatory environment in violation of Title IX. Apparently … Read more

GrokTV Event – Seacoast Republican Women Congressional Forum – Question 3

In light of the Aurora / Batman shootings, and more recently, the Sikh Temple shootings, much time in the political class is being spent on gun control vs bearing arms.  There are those that would wish that all individuals would posses, train, and carry weapons and there are those, especially of the Left or pacifists … Read more