Ladies Only Range Day shows women’s growing interest in firearms

Ladies Only Range Day shows women's growing interest in firearmsOn Sunday the Grafton County Fish and Game Association in West Lebanon held their 3rd Annual Ladies Only Range Day (L.O.R.D.). It’s a ladies only event where ladies can shoot pistols and revolvers, rifles, shotguns and this year they added archery. Many of the women who attend have never shot a firearm; some have shot pistols but not rifles and others have hunted but never shot pistols.

The event is free to the women who sign up and is completely funded by donations. It’s a full day event starting at 10 in the morning and ending around 3 in the afternoon with a barbeque lunch donated by the local Bistro Nouveaurestaurant. Ladies are split up in groups and each group works their way between the 4 different ranges so that all ladies get the chance to try each.

The event began 3 years ago when Grafton Fish and Game Club President Bill LaPan and his wife Stacia were dining with friends. Their female friend said she’d love to shoot more but really didn’t want to shoot in front of the guys who are really good. Stacia thought about having a ladies only trap shoot but then Bill thought – what about a full day of shooting? Lo and behold, Ladies Only Range Day started.


The event features one on one instruction for each lady as they try each new firearm and now archery. The event has become so popular that it was completely booked up within two and a half weeks without any advertising whatsoever. There was actually a waiting list to join the event. They are thinking about possibly having another like it in the Fall because of the popularity.

Some women are return participants and many were there for the first time. Every woman absolutely enjoyed it. Many never even thought about archery but thought it was fantastic after trying it for the first time. You could see the huge smiles of women after that first shot when they weren’t quite sure what to expect. On the rifle range, women were shooting at balloons for their targets. They were determined to get the balloons and you could hear the joy when a woman actually yelled out loud that she ‘got it’.

Some women show up and are very intimidated but want to try shooting so they can end that fear of the unknown. Because the instruction is one on one, these women lose that fear after that first shot and the smile shines across their faces. The women ranged from all ages and walks of life. They one thing they all have in common is their interest in learning more about firearms.

Not everyone was on board with the idea at first. One of their members and an instructor didn’t really think it was such a good idea. He volunteered the first year just to see how it would work out and his mind quickly changed. Not only does he volunteer to instruct every year but he absolutely thinks the event is awesome and wouldn’t miss it.

Photo by Kim McQuaid

The biggest growth in the firearm industry over the past several years has been from women. Women are purchasing firearms for sports, target shooting, hunting and most importantly self-defense. Many women don’t know where to start when looking for a firearm or instruction but the interest is there, especially in New Hampshire. The L.O.R.D. event gives women a brief introduction to firearms (along with firearm safety), allows them to get the feel of the different types of firearms and what to expect with that first shot.

The club also provides further training through Safety Caliber Training if women are interested. It is training provided by a woman, Margot Ashcraft, who also does a lot of work on this event as well. Ashcraft is also a founding member of the Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire and other Founders were in attendance to help with the event. When asked why Ashcraft believes this is an important event she said the following:

I believe that gun ownership and training go together as one, you can’t jump in a vehicle without someone showing you how it operates. Ladies Only range day gives women the opportunity to learn how to safely handle a firearm, but best of all – it gives them the opportunity to learn right along with other women, friends, co-workers etc.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard “I don’t want my husband/boyfriend/significant other teaching me … “ By the end of the day, they are excited and feeling fully empowered, that pre-existing intimidation and stress factor has dissolved. They start asking about training classes and where Welch’s Gun Shop is! Seeing someone going from physically shaking to a confidant laugh and wanting more … is what the Ladies Only Range Day is all about … Opportunity and Empowerment.

Photo by Kim McQuaid

As more and more women choose to protect themselves and become involved in shooting sports, more and more are reaching out for events such as this and others across the state. Often women aren’t sure quite where to begin although they are interested in learning. The L.O.R.D. event is a great introduction.

Cross posted from Examiner

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