Yesterday The Blaze reported on a letter that was allegedly sent from a woman in the Air Force after she was forced to take sexual harassment training with her fellow Airmen. The letter speaks volumes about how many women feel in this country and deserves to be re-printed over and over again.
This woman’s letter doesn’t only apply to the military. The left has been pushing victimization propaganda onto women for years. They are known to lie regarding rape statistics at colleges so they can claim there is some sort of “rape culture”. There isn’t. They lie regarding women and firearms to make it seem as though women cannot possibly protect themselves because they aren’t smart enough. In reality, serious injury from an attack for a women without a firearm is 2.5 times more likely than a woman who has one. They lie about the gender wage gap and a slew of other issues in order to continue to dumb women down. It’s actually embarrassing, demeaning and outrageous.
The woman writing this letter speaks for millions of women across the country who are sick to death of being told they have to play “victim”. Women who are sick of being told they aren’t treated equally when in fact they are. What the left and Democrats have done is create a wholly UNequal balance in this country by turning women into victims and men as the cause. This isn’t true but it’s part of the left’s goal to further divide this country.
The left wing “feminists” of today are nothing but whiny, self-centered, incompetent, childish puppets for a political party that has continually told them they aren’t equal and have to be coddled like newborn babies. These women do not think for themselves and help to create their own perceived inequality by living in a hateful and miserable fantasy world that men are all out to get them. In reality, men just want to be left alone to go about their daily lives. It’s unfortunate left wing feminists can’t seem to do the same thing.
The victimization propaganda of women by the left and Democrats should outrage every woman. Rather than supporting women for being strong and independent, they continue to push women as weak-minded and dependent. Unfortunately some are too blinded by their hatred and ignorance to see that.
Here is the full letter:
I got up this morning as an Airman in the United States Air Force. I got up and I put on my uniform, I pulled back my hair, I looked in the mirror and an Airman looked back. A strong, confident military professional stared out of my bathroom mirror, and I met her eyes with pride. Then I came to your briefing. I came to your briefing and I listened to you talk to me, at times it seemed directly to me, about sexual assault. You talked about a lot of things, about rivers and bridges, you talked about saving people and victimization. In fact you talked for almost a full ninety minutes, and you disgusted me.
You made me a victim today, and I am nobody’s victim. I am an American Airman in the most powerful Air Force in the world, and you made me into a helpless whore. A sensitive, defenseless woman who has no power to protect herself, who has nothing in common with the men she works with. You made me untouchable, and by doing that you made me a target. You gave me a transparent parasol, called it an umbrella and told me to stand idly by while you placed everything from rape to inappropriate shoulder brushes in a crowded hallway underneath it. You put my face up on your slides; my face, my uniform, my honor, and you made me hold this ridiculous contraption of your own devising and called me empowered. You called me strong. You told me, and everyone else who was listening to you this morning that I had a right to dictate what they said. That I had a right to dictate what they looked at. That I had a right to dictate what they listened to. That somehow, in my shop, I was the only person who mattered. That they can’t listen to the radio because they might play the Beatles, or Sir Mix-A-Lot, and that I might be offended. That if someone plays a Katy Perry song, I might have flashbacks to a night where I made a bad decision. I might be hurt, and I’m fragile right? Of course I am, you made me that way.
You are the reason I room alone when I deploy. You are the reason that wives are terrified that their husbands are cheating on them when they leave, and I leave with them. When I walk into a room and people are laughing and having a good time, you are the reason they take one look at me and either stop talking or leave. They’re afraid. They’re afraid of me, and it’s because of you. They are afraid that with all of this “power” I have, I can destroy them. They will never respect me or the power and the authority I have as a person, or the power I have as an Airman, because I am nothing more than a victim. That I as a victim, somehow I control their fate. With one sentence, I can destroy the rest of their lives.
“He sexually assaulted me.”
I say enough. He didn’t assault me, you did; and I say enough is enough. If you want to help me, you need to stop calling me a victim. If you want to save me, you need to help me to be equal in the eyes of the people I work with. If you want to change a culture, you need to lessen the gap between men and women, not widen it. Women don’t need their own set of rules: physical training scores, buildings, rooms, raters, sponsors, deployment buddies. When I can only deploy with another woman ‘buddy’ you are telling me and the people around me that I can’t take care of myself. When you forbid me from going into my male friends room to play X-Box on a deployment with the other people on my shift, you isolate me. When you isolate me, you make me a target. When you make me a target, you make me a victim. You don’t make me equal, you make me hated. If I am going to be hated, it will be because of who I am, not because of who you have made me. I am not a victim. I am an American Airman, I am a Warrior, and I have answered my nation’s call.
Help me be what I am, or be quiet and get out of my way.
Cross posted from Examiner