The 2nd Amendment is the Most Important Women’s Rights Issue in Modern History

For decades, women have fought to gain the same rights as men in the name of ‘equality.’

The right to vote, to get paid equally (yes, the Equal Pay Act was passed in 1964 and yes, women earn equal pay) and to be treated equally, are all issues that women have fought for and won.

In fact, you could argue that women have more ‘protections’ than men if you look at college preferences, small business loans, abortion and a slew of other favored ‘privileges’ that women have over men.

We’ve come full circle and then some.

There is one area that has made women more equal than the entire feminist movement and that is the 2nd Amendment, an actual right protected by the government in the Bill of Rights.

And no, the 2nd Amendment isn’t about a militia. It’s about the government protecting our fundamental human right to self-defense.

Long before women even gained the right to vote or for equal pay, they carried firearms any way they saw fit to protect themselves and their families.

What happened?

Ignorant legislators who passed gun control.

Laws were put into place that made it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to practice their rights.

Just listen to the testimony of Dr. Susan Gratia Hupp who testified before congress during the Brady Hearings many years ago. She talks about how she, as a law-abiding citizen, followed the law, while her parents were murdered by a psychopathic criminal who didn’t follow the law:


“I’m not really mad at the guy that did this and I’m certainly not mad at the guns that did this. They didn’t walk in there by themselves and pull their own triggers. The guy that did this was a lunatic, that’s like being mad at a rabid dog. I’m mad at my legislators for legislating me out of the right to protect myself and my family.” – Dr. Susan Gratia Hupp

If Hupp was able to practice her fundamental human right to self-defense, her parents, and many others, would have survived that attack.

She’s a woman who chose to protect herself and her family but because of the laws in her state, and because she was a law-abiding citizen, she was unable to.

This is why the 2nd Amendment is one of the most important women’s rights issue in modern history.

More women than ever are learning how to safely and accurately shoot firearms in order to protect themselves and their families.

From women who are young and live alone to women who seek to protect their children to women who are widows and now must protect themselves whereas they relied on their husbands to do that previously.

Firearms are the great equalizer.

A woman who is 5’2” and weighs 120 pounds is no physical match for a man who is 6’4” and weighs 300 pounds. Biology matters.

While a very tiny percentage of women may be able to ward off a criminal who physically looms over them, the majority are not.

Just the sight of a firearm scares off many criminals seeking to do harm because criminals are cowards. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t BE criminals.

The biggest cowards in this country, though, are legislators who seek to infringe upon a woman’s right to defend herself and her family using a firearm.

They use made-up terms like ‘gun violence’ and claim they want to protect people in the name of ‘gun safety.’ All the while they simply seek to deny a woman’s fundamental human right to self-defense.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman who chooses to protect yourself and your family with a firearm. What matters is that you defend a woman’s right TO choose to protect herself and her family.

You can’t claim to be ‘pro-choice’ if you aren’t pro-choice when it comes to a woman’s right to choose to protect herself and her family with firearms.

You can’t claim to be for women’s rights if you choose to infringe upon a woman’s right to protect herself and her family with firearms.

For years, men have been demonized and demoralized for daring to protect their 2nd Amendment rights.

Women are now on the forefront of fighting for 2nd Amendment rights. Go ahead and demonize or demoralize them. When you do, it proves you care nothing about women’s rights and only care about controlling them.

It’s incredible to think that in 2019, women have to actually fight for their right to protect themselves.

This is why the 2nd Amendment is the most important women’s rights issue in modern history.



  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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