UNH Institutes Anti-Free Speech ‘Social Media Policy’

The Univerity of New Hampshire has added a Social Media Policy to its Student’s Rights, Rules, and Responsibility code of conduct. It’s a Big Brother chill-blanket on free speech that allows anyone to report anyone else whenever they think their feelings have been hurt or the feelings of others might be hurt. What could go … Read more

Disturbing UNH Campus Climate Report Never Mentions Free Speech

Last September, the University System of New Hampshire released a preliminary report on Campus Climate. Its purpose was to institutionalize the bunching of panties after students wearing sombreros and fake mustaches at a Cinco de Mayo party on campus rustled some social justice jimmies. The report began the long process of navel-gazing over Kampus Klimate and the Komplexities of what … Read more

Time to Ask Your Legislators to Protect Free Speech in the UNH System

The recently released UNH Interim Report Presidential Task Force on Campus Climate is not about the weather, but it does involve snowflakes. Let me drop one on your tongue so you can get a taste. “UNH must develop a sustainable inclusive campus climate and make diversity and inclusion integral to a 21st-century education where we … Read more

Is Free Speech Doomed at UNH?

UNH, like most universities, is weighted down by diversity curricula and all the anti-free-speech BS that goes with it. This handicap culminated in the very public unmasking of the  UNH Bias-Free Language guide that, among other things, suggested the word American might be problematic.

Allegedly Pro-Palestine “Protesters,” at UNH, Dartmouth Arrested

Kiddies protesting the latest thing have gotten out of control on at least a few college campuses. We haven’t seen anything like that here, of which I’m aware, but yesterday, May Day, that glorious Communist Holiday, “protesters” gathered to avoid classes in support of Gaza and Palestine. Some went to jail.

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America has a Free Speech Problem

America has a free speech problem. Not so much the idea. A majority of those recently polled by Real Clear Politics think “First Amendment protections for freedom of speech is a good thing.” But they don’t all agree on what free speech is or means.

Liberal So-Called ‘Campaign Finance’ Group Backs Whiny GOP RINOs To Silence Speech

The digital ink was barely dry on this post when what to my wandering eyes did appear but a mysteriously funded left-leaning campaign finance “reform” group attacking AFP-NH for what amounted to following Campaign Finance Laws. Open Democracy(OD) is a left-leaning affair pushing the left-leaning policy ideas of leftists activist groups and just happens to be an … Read more