New Trump EO Could Cost Colleges Big Money If They Don’t Protect Free Speech

President Trump signed an Executive Order today that “directs 12 grant-making agencies to use their authority in coordination with the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to ensure institutions that receive federal research or education grants promote free speech and free inquiry. ”

While many campuses have shied away from formal free speech zones, our readers will be familiar with the cultural pressure to remain silent.

“Under the guise of speech codes, safe spaces and trigger warnings, these universities have tried to restrict free thought, impose total conformity and shut down the voices of great young Americans like those here today,” he said.

They have diversity councils and committees. Special teams to investigate complaints. Policies that emphasize changing your thinking about what diversity means – which is an Orwellian way of saying embrace the group thinks.

It’s chilling.

Even UNH which claims to defend free speech released a campus climate report last year that never uses the words “free speech.” But it had room for all the cultural diversity and inclusion garbage they use to silence speech.

It’s a Conservative Power Grab

Universities have gone after conservative students on campus, online and even off campus. One set of values is clearly favored over all others.

But Vox calls the EO a meaningless reminder to follow existing laws while claiming it is an effort by conservatives to grab power on college campuses. They say there is no free speech crisis. There isn’t one for them. They can say and do anything they want. Wear what they want.

Ask a Republican student if they can wear an American Flag shirt of a MAGA hat?

Oh, wait, that’s right. You’re claiming that’s a white supremacy symbol. A curious trend on liberals campuses. The students and administrators labeling anything they don’t want anyone to see or hear as racist or bigoted. If it challenges your ideology or secular orthodoxy you say it makes you uncomfortable and call it hate. That’s speech suppression you dumbass. It violates the first amendment. And now it could cost.

With 35 billion in grants on the line we suspect that there might be some changes. Not world-altering. We’ve provided a few examples of campus tricks to avoid equality and diversity of thought and word. It’s not in their nature. And by and large, the twelve agencies tasked with policing it won’t do much either. But students and teachers might.

That means lawsuits. Another thing universities have gotten used to losing. Student have been challenging Campus speech policies or other forms of intimidation.

But why would they lose or have to settle lawsuits if, as Vox suggests, there’s no problem?

Vox is lying.

| Fox News

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