Live blogging: SOTUS thoughts

 Update: Incoming from Rep. Frank Guinta’s office, if you are so inclined:  Representative Frank Guinta will be interviewed live on the C-Span cable TV network’s “Washington Journal” program about his reaction to President Obama’s State of the Union address.  He will be interviewed by host Greta Brawner, and viewers around the country can call in … Read more

International Baccalaureate in Bedford: indoctrination against America? Look at its own materials

Not only is Bedford immersed in controversy over a pro-Marxist anti-Christian book assigned in the Personal Finance class, Juniors and Seniors are offered classes from the controversial International Baccalaureate Program (IB) too.  It seems you are either for or against IB in Bedford. One of the biggest problems with IB is, its ability to divide … Read more


This can’t be stated often enough, particularly when the dreamers on the left imagine tragedy to excuse their second amendment positions–liberals must be afraid of gun owners because the people who think like liberals are simply too unhinged to be trusted with firearms.

What’s With The intimidation Tactics?

This brings me to the main course of the Facebook comment, the “intimidating activists for political purposes portion.” Yes, that’s right–the video threat is not nearly as ominous as this next bit, a perennial favorite of the Giuda staff… “They are not registered with the SOS and making endorsements. Not a good position to take.”

More thin gruel from Dean at Blue Hampshire

I was wandering around the ‘Net and saw that Dean decided to go after Vicki over at TBONH.  The pretext was that since the writer behind TBONH had been anonymous in taking on Democrats (and others) from a Conservative standpoint, he decided to highlight her take on THE social issue for the Left / Progressives … Read more

A Sure Bet

  The New Hampshire State Senate has made it’s position clear.  Everything goes better with Gambling.  That pesky Lyme disease thing–probably get that passed with gambling.  And they would be more than willing to overturn any lingering Blue Laws if people could gamble on Sunday.  Want to make sure money is a form of free … Read more

Statement by Doug Lambert

As to the events of the last couple of days, I would again refer to my original statement: CLICK HERE FOR STATEMENT Since the time I issued that, I have spoken to the several media that I was able to receive their calls. I have taken an honest and contrite approach to my actions and … Read more

Sunday Reading

  Here are a few things you might want to check out as you ride out your rainy Sunday… Grant Bosse, the NH Watchdog, on the issue of free speech and Internet anonymity: Over at Blue Hampshire, JimC is upset at the radio host Howie Carr is trying to find out the identity of an anonymous … Read more

Grokster Delivers NH TeaParty Note to Rhode Island Compatriots

  I had the honor to be asked to speak at the Rhode Island 9/12 Project’s September 12 rally in Providence on the State House steps. Below is the speech I delivered, and the note I read to our RI brothers and sisters from the NH TeaParty Coalition, along with a few pics. It wasn’t Washington … Read more

Welcome to the New Moral Order…

Guest Post by Representative Paul Ingabretson As we are carried full speed into the legitimization of homosexual marriage in New Hampshire those of us who have tried and failed again to resist find ourselves once again examining the direction in which we are now moving as a society.  Unless the Governor actually vetoes HB436 we … Read more

“They have a ball plundering Iran and are looking forward to their rewards in Allah’s paradise for their dastardly acts here on earth.”

Chaos, Crisis & Terror Serves the Islamic Republic by Amil Imani As the Islamic Revolution completed its third decade, it would not be too difficult to realize the reality and the fruits of its mismanagement during its imperial and revolutionary eras. Throughout the three decades of its existence, the Islamic Republic has managed, notably, to … Read more

An examination of “the preeminent presidential negotiator with the dictators and terrorists, Mr. Jimmy Carter” (until Obama, that is)

..   Can America Afford Another Jimmy Carter? by Amil Imani The current presidential election is reminiscent of the presidency of Richard Nixon; one cannot help but be reminded of the Watergate Scandal, the biggest political scandal in American history. Watergate caused the American public to lose faith in the presidency and especially the Republican … Read more

Personal views of a grokster who attended the debate

My fellow groksters have already done a very nice job summarizing and analyzing last nights debate so I will try not to be redundant in my blogging here but offer up merely some personal, on-the-ground stories for you to munch on and swallow or spit out as you see fit. I arrived about 5 pm and participated … Read more

‘Grok ‘n Roll: Ted Nugent- a new album and, of course, the video. GraniteGrok has the scoop on both…

. Ted Nugent is unlike most of the other aging rock stars crisscrossing the country, living off of the residue of glory days long past. Between his various TV programs on VH-1, his frequent appearances on cable news programs discussing issues ranging from guns to hunting to illegal immigration, Ted Nugent is not some washed-up has been … Read more

Radio Day here at the ‘Grok

Today! Live! From the Blogosphere to the airwaves…1490AM WEMJ… 2-4PM… The gang from joins Pat Hynes of AnkleBitingPundits for another broadcast of Meet the New Press . We have a special guest for the entire second hour of the broadcast. Paul Sand has agreed to join us in studio this afternoon to discuss spam, MLK … Read more

Is there something in our water?

As Skip reported in this previous post, it has been revealed that our state’s taxpayer-subsidized university system has its very own version of Ward Churchill (9/11 victims = "little Eichmans")- UNH psychology professor William Woodward. The tenured professor  believes a secret group within the highest levels of the US government organized and perpetrated the September 11 … Read more