Parkland School Shooting

One Year Ago: Remember Parkland Because It is How Government Gets Your Kids Killed

The tragedy that would become the Parkland massacre happened a year ago today. It was preventable. The barriers to prevention were the result of incompetent government at multiple levels. From policies forced down from the oval office to a ‘can’t be bothered’ attitude from the FBI, the local Sheriff’s office, and school administrators. Even armed security … Read more

Betsy DeVos

Obama Policy That Lead to Parkland Massacre Rescinded by Betsy DeVos and AG Whitaker

In January of 2014, the Obama Administration put schools on notice. If your disciplinary records were not in balance with your ethnic demographics, the Feds would come knocking. The implication included threats of investigation and a freeze on federal funds. At the Stoneham Douglas School in Broward County, the result was a hands-off approach to an angry … Read more

Majory Stoneman Douglas High School gun free zone

Parkland Massacre – Investigating Panel recommends arming teachers. Heads exploding in 3…2…1…

Wow!  Just wow! What is Parkland kiddie David Hogg going to do about this? A breath of fresh reality (reformmated, emphasis mine): Florida school massacre panel recommends arming teachers The panel investigating the Florida high school massacre recommended Wednesday that teachers who volunteer and undergo extensive background checks and training be allowed to carry concealed guns on … Read more

Obama Era Program Allowed Parkland Shooter To Commit Mass Murder

The government-will-protect-you-narratives of the gun-ban left took a few more hits this week. Broward County School Officials finally admitted (discovered?) that Parkland Shooter Nikolas Cruz was referred to the Obama-Era program that prevents arrests for behavior that would have prevented Cruz from buying the gun he used in the shooting spree. But we already knew that, didn’t … Read more

Parkland Teacher Organizing “Spontaneous” Anti-Second Amendment Student March

Thank you, Project Veritas and Laura Loomer for this insightful video of a Parkland teacher organizing the “spontaneous” anti-Second Amendment student march. Free hotel rooms, meet-ups with Nancey Pelosi and Uncle Joe Biden! And a video telling students to have talking points ready and don’t forget to wear your Gifford Tee shirts!! Community organizers in … Read more

Video Released of Parkland Resource Officer During School Shooting

The Daily Wire has a longer version you can view here, but there’s not much to see. The CCTV cameras capture the Broward County Deputy moving up to the building, weapon drawn, and then standing around, as reported often and at length, while the shooting continues to its conclusion sans his intervention. So, the left’s insistence … Read more

Parkland – No, It’s Not An Amusement Park

Here it is two weeks after the complete and utter failure of the 3,000-student high school in Florida to protect the kids it has control over for most of the day. Two weeks and there is little to no discussion of mental health. Two weeks and no discussion of over-sized student factories. It has taken … Read more

A list of Companies that Have Cut NRA Discounts After Parkland

The following companies caved to liberal pressure by blaming the NRA because the NRA is something the left can blame. Lord knows you can’t blame all those bits and pieces of government that failed. The state and federal safety net the progressives insist are more than adequate after they disarm us. They actually mean “enough to protect them … Read more

White Mountains: Let Campers Camp!

I am writing to complain about the restrictive laws which only serve to decrease our recreational use of our parklands. The USDA has enacted laws (ostensibly) to reduce the impact of campers on some (most) areas in the White Mountain Nation Forest.

US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

The State Protects Itself While Crime against Ordinary People Surges

In all the media and regime frenzy over the Janaury 6 riots and the Pentagon Leaker in recent months, it is interesting to examine the contrast between how the regime treats “crimes” against its own interests and real crime committed against ordinary private citizens. Witness, for example, how the Biden administration and corporate media have treated the January … Read more