White Mountains: Let Campers Camp!

by Op-Ed

I am writing to complain about the restrictive laws which only serve to decrease our recreational use of our parklands. The USDA has enacted laws (ostensibly) to reduce the impact of campers on some (most) areas in the White Mountain Nation Forest.

These include prohibiting camping within ¼ mile of trailheads, roads, most ponds, and some trails. This is excessive and unnecessary.

Someone walking along a trail or driving on the road will not be able to see more than 150 feet into the forest –and will not notice the minimal impact of someone’s tent having been set up even 100 feet from the trail.

We want to thank Paul Hutsteiner for this Contribution – Please direct yours to Steve@GraniteGrok.com.
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines on the FAQ Page.

Yes more people would visit the White Mountains if they could camp near enough to see at least a glimpse of their car: This is a good thing, it brings in revenue.   And it would in no way affect those people just driving by…

So , after attending the celebration commemorating the Pine Tree Riot this weekend, I am writing this in the spirit of freedom
and the right of all Citizens to get some use out of our nation’s resources – the National Forest.

If anyone has any ideas as to who can I try to contact to get help addressing this issue, please let me know.


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