Kamala Harris US Africa remarks - eeek

Wake Up and Laugh – at Kamala Harris!

The only thing more embarrassing about being American than Joe Biden is Kamala Harris. She’s actually a bigger train wreck than the ‘Big Guy,’ and that’s saying something. Biden is a fool and a joke which, in my opinion, is the only reason they let Kamala out of the box every now and again.

Kamala Harris

Democrats Don’t Like Kamala Harris Either …

Stealing elections is expensive, so Democrats need to raise a lot of money. Typically, you can count on the titular party heads – the P and the VP as a featured attraction. It allows donors and sycophants a shot at rubbing elbows with “greatness,” unless that someone is Kamal Harris.

Is Kamala Harris in over Her Head?

The vice president has come under widespread withering criticism following her recent disastrous interview with Lester Holt and that contrived expedition to Guatemala and Mexico to uncover the “root causes” of the border crisis.

Kamala Harris Birthright issues?

Kamala Harris is not a Natural Born Citizen

Democrat Senator Kamala Harris (CA) could be in for an unwelcome campaign surprise if she faces a constitutional eligibility challenge to her bid for the presidency. Why? Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution decrees that “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time … Read more

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris’s Anti-Catholic Bigotry

Kamala Harris’s anti-Catholic bigotry is just part of the baggage she brings. Kamala is now Joe Biden’s VP pick. Tap, tap, tap on Joe Biden’s shoulder. Hey Joe, your VP pick believes Catholics are unfit to serve in our nation’s courts. Joe, hey Joe, that’s religious bigotry.

Breaking News: Kamala Harris out of the Democrat Primary

From high flier to dust bin-er in a couple short months. Former CA AG Harris rose like a trans Icarus and then couldn’t keep her yap shut and not say crazy stuff.  From being a one time Top Three to a “I coulda been a contenda!” loopy.  Even if she doesn’t go too much further, … Read more