Stop Global Warming snow

Ask Jeanne Shaheen – About Diminshed Snowfall

Remember the halcyon days when the science of global warming was settled? Do you recall the dire warnings from green industry activists “experts” around the world, echoed by prominent herd animals Democrats, including some from from New Hampshire, that Global Warming was going to diminish regional snowfalls and ruin the ski and tourism industry?

And US Ambassador to NH Jeanne Shaheen said the same thing!

IT CAN’T BE TRUE! AL GORE SAID THERE WOULD BE NO MORE SNOW BY NOW.  THE WEATHER SUFFERS FROM FALSE CONSCIOUSNESS!  Half of US soil covered in snow at the same time. Heh! (H/T: Instapundit) See about Shaheen’s failed pronouncements here, here, here, and here (mostly covered by Steve!).  And lest I forget, look what Jeanne Shaheen … Read more

About those Shaheen Campaign Talking Points…

WMUR has posted some inside baseball on the tactics of the Shaheen Campaign now that Scott Brown is officially entering the fray.  Well, it’s not really inside baseball, more like store front window shopping for baseballs.  Anyone who walked by and looked in would have know what was going to be ‘for sale’ from Shaheen … Read more

Polar Vortex “Excuse” Makes Senator Jeanne Shaheen Look Like a Moron

Warming creates warming. Warming creates cooling. NH Democrat Timmy Horrigan informed us (in comments)  that Global Warming Theory predicts more snow (which will come as a surprise to Senator Jeanne Shaheen). And now we’ve got this newly imagined polar vortex thing to explain the cold temperatures that none of those computer models from all those … Read more

Jeanne Shaheen’s Sticky Situation

In the “stupid things said by former governors of New Hampshire who have become US Senator’s category,” Jeanne Shaheen (Greene Shaheen) dominates. As another hack of the environmental movement she has said some incredibly stupid things and intimated plenty of others, forever making us proud.

Jeanne Shaheen: DO as I say, not as I do…

. On her campaign website, Jeanne Shaheen puts forth, in a style quite similar to that of one of her ideological comrades, Chicken Little, dire warnings of the consequences of not addressing global warming immediately. Says Jeanne, "A new energy policy is an environmental, national security and economic imperative, and there is no time to waste.” Got … Read more


NH Feministas Silent on Andrew Cuomo Sexual Harassment Allegations

New Hampshire Democrats do not seem all that interested in denouncing Andrew Cuomo after an Aid accused him of serial sexual harassment. (including unwanted physical contact and at least one nonconsensual kiss). That’s because they are hypocrats who could care less about what men do to women unless it advances some political goal.