San Francisco Resident Writes Op-ed Supporting Connecticut Resident for a New Hampshire House Seat

San Francisco native Jessi Yu has a few kind words for Miles Brown. She thinks he’s the guy to vote for (for) the New Hampshire House. I guess it should not matter that Brown lives in Connecticut and not New Hampshire.

He doesn’t live “here,” as reported on these pages, back in May 2022.


Miles Brown - Dartmouth Democrat West Hartfrod CT Miles Brown - Dartmouth Democrat West Hartfrod CT FB2


Mr. Brown’s claim to a qualification to run for public office in the Granite State is based on his presence on a local campus. But at no point has he been a resident of New Hampshire, which is apparent in this published campaign announcement we shared from the Dartmouth Campus paper.


Former College Democrats president Miles Brown ’23 announced his campaign for New Hampshire state representative on Instagram and Twitter on Thursday. Brown, a government major from West Hartford, Conn., will campaign over the summer leading up to the state Democratic primaries on Sept. 13


Repeatedly being in the state while living in Connecticut is insufficient to fulfill the residency requirement to run for office. That must explain why visiting the state as a student who lives in San Francisco qualifies you to support that illegitimate run.


Jessi U Hanover LTE


Jessi Yu lives in San Franciso but attends college at Dartmouth, making her eminently qualified to recommend a candidate not qualified to run for office.


Jessi Yu Linked IN


Jessi did a political intern stint in Maryland her Freshman year. This year it’s Mayor Joyce Craig’s office. Perhaps we will see her, like Miles, attempt to use the New Hampshire Legislature to pad her political resume before graduating without ever having abandoned her home-state driver’s license/State issued ID with the address to which the tuition bill is delivered.

Jessi is also barking up a tourism tree with which we are very familiar. We’ve been covering that lie since Jessi was a little thing in the City by the Bay.


2011: Ask Jeanne Shaheen – About Diminished Snowfall
2013: Another Tourism Stake Through Their Global Warming Heart
2013: Another Maple Syrup Stake Through Their Global Warming Heart
2014: Jeanne Shaheen Said Global Warming Would Affect Our Winter Tourism. She Was Right!
2014: If You Like Your Tourism Industry, You Can Keep Your Tourism Industry
2015: Jeanne Shaheen 2009 “In New Hampshire, we are already seeing the effects of climate change.”
2016: Tourism Up – I Blame Global Warming
2017: They Said if We Did Nothing About Global Warming, it Would Affect NH Tourism, and They Were Right
2017: They Said if We Did Nothing About Global Warming, it Would Affect NH Tourism, and They Were Right (Again!)
2018: Global Warming Continues to Produce Rising Tide of Tourism in NH
2018: Blame Global Warming for Another Bumper Apple Crop in New Hampshire?
2019: Damn You Global Warming – NH Tourism Experts See Increase Again This Year
2019: Climate Didn’t Ruin Tourism, so NH Democrats Want to Add a New Tax That Might Do It
2020: Liberal Sneetches Said No Beaches And Other Things The Climateers Got Wrong
2021:Turning 21: The Left’s “Kids Won’t Know Snow Narrative” Celebrates a Milestone


New Hampshire has survived the prevarication of progressive Climate prognosticators for years. We’ve also passed any number of tipping points and thresholds.

I will concede that the only “bad year” for NH tourism since I started blogging was man-made. The result of unnecessary overreach by the sort of politician Miles Brown would likely be (lockdowns, quarantines, essential businesses, oh, my!). Absent that, we’ve been fine and will continue to be okay.

The true threat comes from the girl from San Francisco (Gasp! you gendered her!) and the boy (Gasp again) from Connecticut. They think CO2 is a driver a warming (it’s not) or (worse) that government, with or without them could do anything other than force “solutions” that would punish the very people they claim to defend.

Current policy and the economy it has destroyed are just the beginning.

And while electing ineligible “students” from out of state to the legislature is a problem (and a violation of state law), their ideas are the real threat to New Hampshire, as is an AG or Secretary of State who only enforces the law when it advances some petty agenda.



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