On her campaign website, Jeanne Shaheen puts forth, in a style quite similar to that of one of her ideological comrades, Chicken Little, dire warnings of the consequences of not addressing global warming immediately. Says Jeanne,
"A new energy policy is an environmental, national security and economic imperative, and there is no time to waste.”
Got that? She says THERE IS NO TIME TO WASTE. You can almost feel the panic laid before visitors to the website:
Reversing global warming is an economic, environmental and health imperative for New Hampshire. If we don’t act to reverse global warming, New Hampshire’s snow season is projected to shrink by almost 50 percent by mid-century, severely impacting our skiing and snowmobile industries. Increasing temperatures also will negatively impact fall foliage tourism, the hunting and fishing industries, and maple sugar production. Our small but precious coastline faces substantial increases in the extent and frequency of coastal flooding, erosion, and property damage. Global warming worsens air quality, putting more stress on people with heart conditions and respiratory conditions, like asthma, and New Hampshire already has one of the highest rates of childhood asthma in the country.
Bad stuff, eh? She then spews the usual blather one expects from politicians choosing this route to scare voters into casting their vote for them, rather than the opponent that "obviously" works against the planet:
Jeanne Shaheen believes it’s long past time that Washington take action. Jeanne Shaheen supports the goal of cutting carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050…
So you’d imagine someone so committed to such drastic measures would be leading the way in all regards, right? Come on, it’s JEANNE SHAHEEN we’re talking about, here. You know about politicians of her ilk: "fine for thee, but not for me…" In the same vein as her famous canoe trip with Al Gore– you remember, the one where the river dams were opened during a drought while she was the governor so that she and AlGore could have their picture taken in a canoe— comes the latest, provided by regular ‘Grok reader Peter G:
As an avid reader I thought I would send you this Shaheen photo (hypocrisy at its finest) from today’s 4th of July parade in Amherst. Talk about a carbon footprint (this was 1 of 3 large vehicles supporting her). Keep up the great work.
You just know that if Shaheen gets elected and gets her way, she will ride around in style "serving" as our senator in a big giant SUV back and forth from the jetport, while you and I will be travelling in one of these:
[H/T Peter G.]
[UPDATE July 8]
Drew Cline, writing at his Union Leader blog, reports on another unfortunate parade vehicle choice in a July Fourth parade. This time, it’s Jeb Bradley– although it’s the license plate, not the actual actual ride that does him in…