BSA reimagined by the Left

How the Left Killed the Boy Scouts of America

The Boy Scouts of America used to stand for something, but not long ago, it became about equity and inclusion. Undermined by left-wing influences and leaders, the BSA is barely an organization, and that’s what the Left wanted.

Boy Scouts of America

The Boy Scouts of America Is on Its Death Bed

In the original 1984 version of the movie Red Dawn, the communist invaders were actively looking for individuals who trained in a paramilitary organization. That was the Boy Scouts of America. Forty years later and the Left has infiltrated them, #Woke them, and broke them.

Whither the Boy Scouts of America?

A major goal of the left and its fellow-travelling PC Police seems to be the demolition of most of the traditional pillars of American culture and family values.  The changes in the Boy Scouts of America, which used to be thought of as being like motherhood and apple pie, can serve as an excellent example … Read more

Now that the Boy Scouts have gone unisex…

I suppose these are to be expected: But of course, not all of the boys are betas.  While there is the honor code, the Scout Masters can’t be everywhere.

Boy Scouts of America – and now it shows they “weren’t Prepared”

The “drip, drip, drip” begins…. “Be Prepared” – Boy Scouts are known for that.  What’s a scenario that could happen and be ready if it shows up.  As I have written before (here, here, here, and here) with their half scrambled decision on letting gay scouts in and gay Scoutmasters out, they showed that even … Read more

Boy Scouts of America have just sacrificed themselves on the alter of Cultural Marxism (aka P.C.)

Morally Straight.   I don’t think that phrase has any meaning any more in a world where secular loudmouths are trumping people of faith, where the ever changing mores (swinging from what used to be Politically Correct and “good” then is now Politically Incorrect and ‘bad’ longer now – simply on some group’s say-so)  trump traditionally … Read more

Where have all the Boy Scouts gone?

People that know me know that I have a wide variety of books, both new and old. I am one of those odd people that feel I must personally own and possess any book I have read. In addition, from time to time, I pick up some old book that strikes my fancy. Friends and … Read more

Selina Soule - care of Selina's FB page

“Well, Boys will be girls!”

Connecticut has been transitioning away from its old nickname, the Constitution State, for years. The more apt and current ‘Nutmeg’ state is better suited. They are nuts for letting Meg (formerly known as Mark) Compete and win in girls’ sports.

It Hertz! – Rental Car CEO ‘Resigns’ After EV Fleet Fail

Hertz Rental Cars jumped the shark on EVs, going all in on fleet expansion, complete with ads featuring Tom Brady to promote the product. Not long after, Hertz discovered – you’d think they’d have done due diligence in advance – that EVs cost more, more to maintain, and are … unreliable. We knew this.

Hermon High School, Maine

Is Maine Where Religious Tests Go to Die

Maine won’t have to change their state motto, but it might need to clarify its nuance. It is “Dirigo,” Latin for I direct, or I lead, and they are leading and directing … religious groups to sue them for violating their First Amendment Rights.

Lebanon NH Public Library

Drag Queen Story Hour Comes to Kilton Library in Lebanon, NH

Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) has become national news over the past year or so. This unusual and, to many, inappropriate exposure of children to adult men dressed as hypersexualized women, burst into the limelight with all of the glitter and pomp one might expect from drag queens.