NH Republicans Throw Down A Gauntlet to Keep Boys From Competing in Girls’ Sports

Boys claiming to be girls to compete in their sporting events was a predictable problem. It’s not a cultural or social issue; it is a genetic issue. Mother Nature, the creator, God, evolution, whomever you care to finger for the distinctions gave men and women different advantages.

Related: Sununu Signs NH Democrats Gender Bill Erasing Title IX Distinctions

When it comes to physical performance, men who develop that will have an unfair advantage over women in the same athletic competition. But the social injustice warriors don’t care. The destruction of the two-sex paradigm (at least in America) is critical to their pursuit of political power through division. So, the party of women™ didn’t blink when they embraced transwomen in girl’s and women’s sports.

It was a sacrifice they were willing to force them to make.

The mess, as they say, rolls downhill, and local school districts have to contend with left-wing activist pressure (which for the most part they openly embrace) and lawsuits over title IX – which exists to provide biological girls with equal opportunity in athletics.

Putting boys who claim to be girls in that mix is unfair, and it denies girls and women that opportunity. In other states, actual girls are losing out on scholarships or opportunities to compete before college scouts. So, the Left’s re-engineering is not just about sex or gender or losing a game or a race; it is about being denied educational opportunities – not to mention the other benefits girls gain through athletics.

New Hampshire Republicans, faced with a socially moderate Republican governor and a Democrat-majority legislature, have called the bluff. HB1251 would limit access to female sports programs in primary, secondary, and even higher education institutions to “female student-athletes.”

Female meaning; confirmed in a sworn statement by a physician and defined by,

(a)  The student’s internal and external reproductive anatomy;
(b)  The student’s naturally occurring level of testosterone; and
(c)  An analysis of the student’s chromosomes.

If you were not born a girl biologically, then you cannot compete in girls’ or women’s athletics. 

The bill would require New Hampshire Democrats and even the governor to make a statement of approval (either way) about what it means for girls to have the opportunity Title IX created and protects.

Will the State of New Hampshire stand with girls and women or with the Marxist reengineering of the culture?

I think the bill and its challenge is smart politics. But, my sense is that a Democrat majority committee will try to table the bill to limit party exposure. If they can keep it in committee, the full House won’t have to vote on it in an election year.

But it’s not hopeless. HB1251 opens up the opportunity for much-needed debate outside a few public school board meetings or political gatherings. It is a subject we need to pick and carry to all the people of New Hampshire. Folks who didn’t even realize what the legislature and governor did.

They knee-capped Title IX and put their sisters, daughters, and every female (athlete or not) in the state in a very uncomfortable (and sometimes dangerous situation). HB1251 addresses a portion of a mandate that could expose the whole experiment to a much wider audience.

We will have to carry that message because the Democrats and the media will probably do their best to ignore it.

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