Boy Scouts of America – and now it shows they “weren’t Prepared”

by Skip

New Boy Scout OathThe “drip, drip, drip” begins….

“Be Prepared” – Boy Scouts are known for that.  What’s a scenario that could happen and be ready if it shows up.  As I have written before (here, here, here, and here) with their half scrambled decision on letting gay scouts in and gay Scoutmasters out, they showed that even after giving themselves extra time to make that decision, they still “weren’t Prepared”.  As I pointed out, making a halfway decision satisfies no one – not the militant gays that will not stop until they have full acceptance AND affirmation and not the conservative churches that see homosexuality as a sin (not the orientation but the active practice – just like unmarried / adulterous sex between heterosexuals).

And of course, there are the “third way participants;, those are watching the politics of it all and making the decision based of having the least amount of mud on their faces at the end.  Here’s one:

Caterpillar spokeswoman Rachel Potts said Thursday that the Caterpillar Foundation has decided to withdraw its supports for Boy Scouts of America. Potts says the company believes the group’s policy barring homosexual adults from serving as scout leaders is discriminatory.

One votes on this controversy for what is now pop culture principles.  The Boy Scouts have forgotten part of their Oath (“On my honor, I will do my best. To do my duty to God…”), whose Word could have given them a clue that is over 2,000 years old:

‘So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. (Rev 3:16)

Giving up your principles, especially to make the pop culture beatings stop, simply makes you a target for everyone.  Yeah, the Southern Baptist Convention just passed a resolution from the other side that shows it disapproval of the decision.

Tigers and lions on both sides – somebody is going to get chewed up good.

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