Scouts BSA (Formerly The Boy Scouts of America) Files for Bankruptcy

The wussification of Boys has been one of the more successful progressive projects of our lifetime. A track that had the feminists dancing widdershins when the Boy Scouts of America gave an inch, then a mile. First, it was openly gay Scouts, then gay Scoutmasters, and then girls. And now bankruptcy.

Related: Now that the Boy Scouts have gone unisex…

Boys, or more likely their parents, said no thanks. We’re good without the pussyhat merit-badge. Religious groups have been parting ways and taking their boys with them. The cultural re-engineering wasn’t everyone’s cup of snakes and snails and puppy dog tails.

Less about boys and more about Social Justice?

The beginning of the end was just 5-years ago. In 2013 BSA said, openly gay scouts are fine. Most people probably didn’t care. In 2015 it was openly gay Scoutmasters. I think that shook a few folks up. In May of this year, the final straw was when in May 2018 they dropped the word ‘boy’ from Boy Scout. Six months later, they are declaring bankruptcy.

We used to let boys be boys. Now anyone can be a boy as long as they act like a girl. Which is to say, less boy-like more often. And the Boy Scouts, feeling pressure from the activist left, went along with it.

Rule number one. Demorrhoids are annoying and painful but never let them run your life. It will be the end of you. Don’t give in it won’t end well.

BSA can survive but not unless they find a way back to being about Boys. The exit question is then, is that even possible?

H/T RedState

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