Supreme Court

SCOTUS, 5-4: Abortion Providers Win, Women’s Health Loses

Cross-posted from Leaven for the Loaf: The U.S. Supreme Court today struck down a Louisiana law requiring an abortion provider to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the abortion facility. The case was June Medical Services v. Russo. The vote was 5-4, with Justice Stephen Breyer writing for a majority that included … Read more

Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil.

Again, N.H. House says No to abortion statistics

Cross-posted from Leaven for the Loaf: Naysayers gonna Nay. Given an opportunity to include abortion statistics in a bill regarding collection of health care data, the New Hampshire House ran in the other direction this week. Left unaddressed was the question of why so many representatives who think abortion is health care don’t want to … Read more


Is ‘Unplanned’ the ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ of Our Era?

by Nicholas Healy In the 1850s the nation was roiled by the issue of slavery. There had been major political compromises regarding slavery both in the nation’s founding documents and in subsequent congressional legislation. There was an uneasy peace between the members of Congress from the South, who were determined not only to preserve slavery … Read more

Hands heart pregnant woman

Planned Parenthood Discriminates Against Pregnant Workers

A recent New York Times article does not paint a pretty picture of Planned Parenthood (PP). No, not baby parts, babies and their pregnant mothers. Employees report mistreatment from day-to-day consideration to promotions and demotions related to pregnancy. Women also said they were afraid to tell supervisors they were pregnant for fear of mistreatment. And … Read more

Flashback- Remember ‘This Slut Votes?’

If I remember correctly health care was a big issue for the Left in the mid-terms. That got me thinking about women’s health. This lead to a passing memory about the contradiction between Democrat health care policies and Democrat rhetoric when it comes to that particular anatomical feature on biological women that is the acute … Read more

Go See “Gosnell” – and Here’s Why

A handful of times each year, something comes along that makes it worth my while to get to a movie theater. Right now, Gosnell is that something. Why am I eager to watch once more a film that I saw in a special screening only a few weeks ago? Read my full review below – especially if the name Kermit Gosnell means nothing to you or if the name is a bit hazy. This is a story to remember and share. As this is posted, the film is scheduled for showings beginning October 12 at the Regal in Newington and Cinematic in Hooksett.

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RU-486 Adds to Clinton Body Count

RU486 The Abortion pill -Religious conscience arguments winning in court against HHS mandateJudicial Watch has released details obtained from a Right to Know request regarding the approval process for RU-486, the morning after pill or chemical abortion pill and thousands of pages of FDA documents.

Back in 2006 Judicial Watch published a special report based on thousands of pages of FDA and National Archives documents showing the Clinton administration’s aggressive drive to thrust the abortion pill to the market in the United States despite warnings of its hazards. Judicial Watch uncovered that the abortion pill was fast-tracked under the “Accelerated Approval of New Drugs for Serious or Life-threatening Illnesses,” a measure that was adopted for use in rare cases to encourage the manufacture and importation of drugs designed to treat life-threatening diseases such as cancer or heart disease.

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