Sununu: Most Granite Staters Oppose Third Trimester Abortion But He’d Dump the 24-Week Ban in a New York Minute

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu is pro-choice, which sounds like it means he will make whatever choice he thinks will get him re-elected. At least of the social issues.

In a recent interview, he said,


“I’m pro-choice, but I firmly believe a healthy majority of our residents would support restrictions once we’re into the late-term arena. I know some won’t ever accept that.”


Most of the polls I’ve seen suggest that the healthy majority is around 80%. Even among registered Democrats, there is strong support for banning abortion in the third trimester. Few people – except the hardcore radicals, think it is okay to kill babies at birth.

Chris Sununu is just playing the odds and probably banking on some future changes when he sits down (if he sits down) to discuss limitations on the Governor’s emergency powers.


Sununu said he opposed putting the abortion ban in the budget package, but he wouldn’t consider vetoing it, because that would have jeopardized business tax cuts, education vouchers and voluntary family leave, which were included in the proposal.


Again, it’s not a stretch for this funder of Planned Parenthood to get what he wanted with a high probability of two things. First, most Granite Stater’s do agree with the ban, and second, Democrats would lose their minds and overreach, and they have.

They think this issue can galvanize any opposition to a Sununu Challenge to Maggie “The Red” Hassan. But?


“I don’t like these stipulations that the Legislature put in, such as the ultrasound. That is all very fixable, and I’m very open to more discussions on changing that going forward,” Sununu said.


Without some method of verification, a 24-week ban is impossible to enforce. Lacking any measurement to identify the age of the fetus or documentation requirement that can be audited to ensure compliance, abortionists could ignore the law at will (or at least fudge around the edges), making it meaningless.

Chris Sununu seems okay with that. I know more than a few people who would not. Maybe he can negotiate this alongside another of the things he didn’t want in the trailer bill—restrictions on CRT.

Or how about this?

You could specify that it’s okay to abort white racist babies (‘cuz racism) or say it’s racist not to let black mothers abort their babies (‘cuz racism).

But it would be a lot easier if we just accepted that they are babies and are conceived with rights even when Democrats (and possibly Chris Sununu) are willing to deprive them of that without any say in the matter.



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