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Abortion, Abortion, Abortion

I see in the New Hampshire Journal that the NHGOP is going to waste donor money in six figures again. It is the anniversary of the Dobbs decision, which correctly abandoned Roe v. Wade and sent the abortion question back to the states. Massachusetts and Mississippi are always going to decide differently, and under federalism, … Read more

Mom and baby Original Photo by Hollie Santos on Unsplash

Night Cap: No One Is Stopping You From Having Sex and Reproducing

Last week, one of the Legislative Service Requests (LSR) I sponsored received an actual House Bill number 1248, and boy, did it cause a squabble. Yes, it is a save-the-baby bill that limits abortions to 15 days. Dave Testerman is the sponsor and the cosponsors are myself and Senator Gendreau.

Marijuana Cannabis

AG Garland Ignores Maine’s Cry For Help

Merrick Garland is the United States Attorney General and heads up our Justice Department, which includes 115,000 employees. Garland is obviously a very busy man working with Joe Biden and Christopher Wray to find ways to target and harass people with a Conservative ideology.

Republicans Ignore This Issue At Their Peril

There are many thorny issues Republicans must deal with if we want to win next year, but perhaps the most difficult one is abortion. Abortion is a topic that pundits told us not to talk about – and that is essentially what some Republican candidates did in 2022. But not the Democrats.

Vote, ballot, ballot box

Off Year Elections Show Abortion Still Number One Issue

There appears to be no issue that motivates voters as much as Abortion rights. You can maybe add the legalization of recreational Marijuana as a close second. There were a limited number of states with elections this year, but three states in particular should be warning signs for both Parties.

Barre Planned Parenthood No Longer Performs Abortions

Whether due to a worker shortage, the Dobbs decision, and/or answered prayer, the Planned Parenthood clinic on Washington Street no longer performs abortions, according to its website and anecdotal reports from pro-life activists.