Claudine Gay was the Pimple, not the Cancer

The Boston Globe, Michele Wu (Boston’s mayor), Ibram X Kendi, and others cite racism in the forced resignation of Claudine Gay.  This is a patent lie. Claudine Gay was put in her position by the Harvard Corporation headed by Penny Pritzker, who was an early financial supporter of Obama for his presidential campaign back in 2008.

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Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum The Great Reset WeForum

Destroying the Corporatist-Globalist Syndicate

If you were to talk about the nature of the World Economic Forum and its initiatives over the past decade in real terms, you’d probably be labeled a conspiracy theorist. This is one of the most popular smears around today when anyone attempts to put their finger on the most significant problem facing the world today.

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Dutch farmer protest

Dutch Farmer’s Crisis: The Makings of a Famine To Come

The Daily Wire’s Jordan Peterson interviewed international migration expert Michael Yon and Dutch independent journalist Eva Vlaardingerbroek recently to discuss the farmer’s crisis in Holland.  If you weren’t aware the Dutch farmers have been under the yoke of their purportedly conservative government’s “climate crisis” policy changes for nearly ten years. As Vlaardingerbroek explains the government … Read more

Vivek Ramaswamy

Beyond The SoundBite Lecture Series – Vivek Ramaswamy Part 1

by Skip

Last night, GraniteGrok was invited to #5 in the Beyond The Soundbite Lecture Series (sponsored by the NH Leadership PAC and RNC Chairman Chris Ager).  I was happy to see fellow Groksters Rick Olsen, Beth and Steven Scaer, Don Ewing , Ken Ewing, Tom Murray along with Ray Cardello (and meeting him in person for … Read more

social credit score


The Global Dystopic Authoritarians (GDA), consisting of the World Health Organization, CCP, Demolitioncrats, and the World Economic Forum, are employing secret metrics known as “Environmental, Social and Governance” (ESG).

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