Is The WEF Going to "Poison" The World's Water Hole? - Granite Grok

Is The WEF Going to “Poison” The World’s Water Hole?

There has been much speculation about what the next global psy-op will be. Is it a virus, another lab-generated pathogen, mRNA ground beef, or perhaps something more like Flint, Michigan, or the EPA’s Animus/Colorado River poisoning, but a bit more subtle?

To paraphrase Woody from Toy Story, someone’s going to poison the waterhole! Or, at least, that’s the latest buzz. They didn’t manage to vaccinate everyone, and while some people understand climate change, water is so fundamental that everyone gets it—even children.

It sounds like she’s saying that fearmongering the water supply is the next WEF psy-op to achieve global compliance…(while working on frog-marching us into line on everything else).


World Economic Forum signals the next global catastrophe they have planned for us… since they “failed to vaccinate the whole world” and since Climate Change isn’t exactly catching on. They’re going to do something to our water supply. They can’t help but brag about their plan to attack the water supply, and then they go on to explain why this one is going to work (because it effects everyone). When they tell you what they’re going to do, you need to believe them.



Feel free to disagree.
