“In 2023, American Baby Boomers owned 52% of the country’s net wealth despite comprising only 20% of the population. Based on Federal Reserve data, this graphic, via Visual Capitalist’s Bruno Venditti, illustrates the distribution of wealth in the United States from 1990 to 2023 by generation.”
Data Point – Richest Countries in the World Per Capita
Mapped: Which Are the World’s Richest Countries? Measuring GDP per capita is a common measure of the economic wealth on a per person basis. This article sorts countries according to the latest International Monetary Fund (IMF) projections on GDP per capita for 2023. Currently this metric is at $13,920 globally in 2023, up from $13,400 in 2022 and $11,160 in 2020, all nominal … Read more
Screw The Poor: Proof that Democrats Are The Party of The Rich
For decades, the Democrats called themselves the “Party for the Poor,” the “Party of the common folks,” and the “Party of the Working People.” The last was meant to be the blue-collar workers in the fields, mines, and factories. Those who toiled but not in the middle to C-level offices.
So Now We Have Bruce Currie’s Answer to My Question: Whose Money Is It FIRST?
Before he got banned for turning into a troll, Bruce Currie (a Bernie-Bro) used to be part of the ‘Grok commenters. I gave him credit for constantly standing up for his Progressive replies but it was clear that he wasn’t going to go that “last step” and answer one of my principle questions when confronting … Read more
Data Point: Amount of Assets to be Wealthy in the US?
Interesting infographic and table, courtesy of Visual Capitalist. We heared (or more correctly, heard a lot during the Occupy Wall Street movement – seems like eons ago) all about the vaunted (and hated) “1%”. Democrat Socialist Bernie Sanders is still going after them – even as he is now one of them with an estimated … Read more
The Danger of Knowledge
Some years ago, as an intellectual exercise, some friends and I were talking about what we thought was the single biggest advance in human history.
Data Point – What IS it about America That Allows It to Create The Wealthies Among Us?
Featured Image Credit: BingDigital.com
This is a bit out of date (published 9/28 and Elon is now worth over $200 billion), the question’s answer is almost obvious – but my humble opinion is after this infographic.
Notable Quote – Have Progressives already beat the Free Market into submission? Have we moved into Fascism controlled markets?
Reformatted, emphasis mine: In the interventionist state it is no longer of crucial importance for the success of an enterprise that operations be run in such a way that the needs of the consumer are satisfied in the best and least expensive way; it is much more important that one has “good relations” with the … Read more
Data Point: So where has the Middle Class gone? Oh, it got richer!
All we keep hearing on the Left is that the Middle Class has been taking it on the chops. Well, guess who has been doing that lately? Yes, the Left. Kill off thousands of union jobs, President Asterisk did by killing off the XL Pipeline. And not just THOSE jobs building and running it but … Read more
Notable Quote – Slavery Laws finally met the Law of Economics
Of course, with many employers, each attempting to maximize wealth, competition for workers would soon force the wage up to a level at which it equalled the actual value of the worker’s labor services to the firm.
Lockdowns Are Crushing the Little Guy – Democrats Are Crushing the Little Guy
Leftists obsess about income inequality. But no act has widened the gap between the rich and the poor more than the lockdowns going on right now. So remove your cranium from your rectum.
Is this the Face of the New Socialist?
Democrats have spent a lot of time in recent years trying to shake off the label of “socialist.” Barack Obama used to brush it aside, scoff at it. When Joe Biden was asked about it recently, he answered more directly, boasting, “I beat the socialist…Do I look like a socialist?”
Bernie’s “Make Billionaires Pay Act” Proving “Taxation is Theft” Really is a Thing
The operative question should always be: “Who Chooses?” You or someone whose decision you will have to follow? “Taxation is Theft” is but one answer to that question.
FDR Stole Two-Thirds of Americans’ Savings
Remember when FDR stole two-thirds of Americans’ savings? No, of course you don’t. It happened 87 years ago. The last time that populism existed as a major force in the world was in the 1930s. What we’re experiencing today is similar to what happened in the 1930s in many ways.
Benefits of a Principled Tax Burden
Is there such a thing as benefits of a principled tax burden? If there were; what would they be? Fact: taxes lower the economic welfare of citizens.
The shroud of socialism won’t be lifted with Bernie’s defeat
Democrats and Republicans seem to agree on one thing: Bernie Sanders cannot defeat President Trump in the general election. While his raucous crowds and early campaign victories suggest widespread support, a recent Gallup poll confirms that 53 percent of Americans surveyed would not vote for a socialist presidential candidate.
Winning in Trump’s Economy
Who is winning in Trump’s economy? In his State of the Union address the President rolled out an eye-catching statistic. He said the wealth held by the poorest half of American households increased three times as fast as the wealth held by the “1%” under his administration. Wealth means net worth. This is true according … Read more
Students Bash Trump for Profiting from Presidency…Wait, That was Obama!
Campus Reform does some great student-on-campus interviews. They pose issues, get their thoughts, then ask them or tell them it was actually Obama. This time around they grapple with the false narrative that Trump and his family are profiting from the Presidency. Nope, that was Obama.
Wealth the Accumulation of the Results of Labor
Wealth is not some mystical entity which either government or birthright endows. It isn’t something that the “haves” enjoy by depriving the “have nots” of their fair share. Wealth represents the accumulation of the results of labor.
Disqus Doodlings – no, capitalism requires cooperation – LOTS of it. Part 2 of ??
Yeah, this Treehugger post on Einstein hating capitalism is gonna be a gold mine for blogging fodder. Even as I write this, the neo-socialist-enviros are pushing back on the Freedom to transact voluntarily (e.g. Capitalism). Another pick at the pot by Brian who, along with most there, hates the idea of the fruits of Capitalism: … Read more