Benefits of a Principled Tax Burden

Is there such a thing as benefits of a principled tax burden? If there were; what would they be? Fact: taxes lower the economic welfare of citizens.

Therefore policymakers should try to minimize the economic and social problems taxation imposes. Citizens directly gain from the benefits of a low tax burden. They get to have more dollars in their pocket to spend and invest as they see fit.

Here is a summary of the benefits of a principled tax burden:

Greater economic growth: A tax system allowing citizens to keep more of what they earn spurs increased work, saving and investment. A low state tax burden means a competitive advantage over states with higher-rates, in overly progressive tax systems.

Greater wealth creation: Low taxes significantly boost the value of all income-producing assets. They help citizens maximize their fullest economic potential. This has the effect of broadening the tax base.

Minimize micromanagement and political favoritism: A complex, high-rate tax system favors interests that are able to exert influence in the state capitol. Those special interests can and will negotiate narrow exemptions and tax benefits. Those things help only limited taxpayers; not the general economy. “A fair field and no favors” is a good motto for a strong tax system.

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