Vial needle syringe injection vaccine

The Media Is Still Lying To Parents

Numerous mainstream media outlets are deliberately lying to American parents about the law regarding COVID-19 vaccines. In August, Vermont’s Supreme Court that ruled a six-year-old boy administered a COVID-19 vaccine against his parents’ specific instructions that he not be jabbed has no state tort remedies and that the family’s sole recourse is a federal claim … Read more

Not Vaxxed?  There’s a Cave For You

Who is pushing shots on New Hampshire children, including mRNA Covid shots, unproven monoclonal antibodies, and more, and how much are they spending to do it? As your New Hampshire advocate for transparency and choice regarding vaccines, it has been my duty to learn the ins and outs of the vaccine program in New Hampshire … Read more

High Likelihood of a Causal Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines and Death

A team of researchers, including Dr. Peter McCullough, went about the business of investigating autopsy records and research related to them as regards COVID-attributed deaths. We searched PubMed and ScienceDirect for all published autopsy and organ-restricted autopsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023. All autopsy and organ-restricted autopsy studies that included … Read more

Alert Exclamation point

“Thoughts?” Yeah, Steve, I Have A Few.

So Steve Kirsch — that would be some guy who writes a blog on Substack — says he received a “treasure trove” of documents the public has not read that “prove” that the CDC (everyone?) knew all along that vaccines (all of them?) cause autism. To add to the conspiracy, Kirsch expects The Powers That … Read more

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CDC Knew Vaccines Caused Autism

Steve Kirsch reports he has received over 300 pages of documents from someone inside the CDC. Recently, I received a treasure trove of documents from a source inside the CDC showing they’ve known for over 20 years that Wakefield was right: vaccines cause autism. A summary suggest that vaccines can and do cause autism and … Read more

covid19 experimental vaccine vials

The Jabbernaughts Will Do Anything to Protect the Right to Mandates

There is growing excitement about a recent 9th Circuit Court ruling in which the case was remanded to the lower court. The Court cited the plaintiff’s claims that the COVID-19 vaccine is a therapeutic (not a vaccine that prevents spread), and as such, the infamous Smallpox decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts cannot apply.

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Vial Syringe weve come for the children

Evidence Suggests That Children Who Get No Vaccines … Have Better Health Outcomes

Prior to the Trojan Horse event that we politely refer to as the COVID era, vaccine hesitancy was a fringe issue. Citizens who objected to the forced vaccination of children were kooks or extremists, and even those demanding more informed consent got the side-eye from even more liberty-minded Americans. The mRNA injections changed that.

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Is Sen. Regina Birdsell Part of the Covid Cult?  You Decide.

Shane Sirois, a rep from the lovely red town of New Ipswich, emailed me, identifying himself as a member of the Vax Injury Caucus.  He was putting out an all-hands-on-deck call for action because SB 319 had a hearing in the Senate HHS committee on 1/10/24.  Like I’ve said before, Nashua owes red towns its gratitude for serving us unserved folks in the House.

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Perky CDC Director: This COVID Season Get Vaccinated and Wear a Mask

Perky CDC Director Mandy Cohen seems to have been picked for the job based on her communications skills, though she does have a bunch of letters after her name. And while the delivery is better, the message is the same.

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Vaccine covid 19 vials

New COVID Vaxx Narrative: More Side Effects Mean It Might Be Working … Better!

Drugs have side effects, some worse than others. The COVID vaccines, for example, had a lot of them, but you were lied to about most until it was too late. Things like heart damage and death come to mind. But they still want you jabbed so how do you sell that?

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Most Transparent Administration Ever Hides Updated Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Data From the Public

When a Democrat promises unity, they mean division. When they say transparent, they mean opaque, obscured, hidden. So, when the Biden Administration suggested it would be the most transparent, they meant what they said by their own understanding.

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Texas to Investigate “Whether Vaccine Manufacturers Misrepresented the Effectiveness and Safety of COVID Vaccines.”

The New York Post reports that “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton plans to investigate whether their companies misrepresented the efficacy and safety of the vaccines and manipulated vaccine trial data.” Ya Think?

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According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Vaccines” Do NOT Need to Control or Prevent Disease

Remember when everyone who was anyone said the COVID-19 “vaccines” would prevent infection and spread? We needed them to return to normal, which – as it turns out meant making excuses for why they didn’t do that. And they have run out of excuses.

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React 19 Panel With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at Dartmouth

On Wednesday, at the Hanover Inn, the React 19 panel spoke at length about the mishandling of the medical and governmental reaction to the SARS-CoV-2 virus that took over the world in 2020-2021.  The primary focus was mandates that continue to hold sway with over 1,000 colleges and universities still enforcing vaccine mandates on students. … Read more

FDA Approved COVID 19

Wolf’s Howl part 2: Bio-war Against Americans?

In the first part of this series, we looked at the massive amount of evidence from Pfizer’s own “confidential” documents illustrating almost Nazi-like experimentation on innocent people via COVID mRNA shots.

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Vial needle syringe injection vaccine

Flu Vaccines Were Never Worth The Risk and COVID Boosters Just Make Matters Worse.

Booster uptake has plummeted worldwide, but the public health mountebanks continue to hawk their COVID wares, aided by flamboyant charlatans in the media. The push to inject is still on, despite the lack of evidence any flu vaccine ever worked.

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VAERS COVID vs all other vaccines

If You Continue to Permit These Shots You Are Complicit in Mass Harm to Our Children

Dear Honorable Councilor Wheeler, In the entirety of the Covid epidemic, we have had one child die from Covid in New Hampshire. Meanwhile, we have FOUR cases of children dying from the so-called “vaccine.”

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Merrimack County Republican Committee – Vax Victims Resolution to the NH Attorney Genera

NH State Rep Jason Gerhard has proposed a resolution to be voted on at the NHGOP Annual Meeting titled “Resolution for Investigation by New Hampshire Attorney General.”

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Doesn’t Stopping After The Second COVID Shot or the First Booster Make You Vaccine Hesitant?

I have a question for those who adopted the terms vaccine-hesitant or anti-vaxxer. It won’t be many of our readers, but they may know folks or interact with them. Legislators and activists will have met a few.

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What’s With This Foolish Divisiveness? It Should Stop!

Wanna know who is the problem? WE ARE THE PROBLEM. Moments ago, I saw a headline from Brighteon “Media Flips and Blames Trump for Vaccine Injuries.” I just know the next focus of interest articles will be an analysis of who could have done this did this awful thing (the blaming of Trump).

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